Weekend Windfalls

Charter Member Application

  • Each Friday, instantly pays out about $1,000 (or multiples of $1,000)
  • $50,000, $100,000, even $200,000 per year in extra income.
  • Unparalleled win rate of 99.7%
  • Average annual return of 151.5%

Limited to first 500 applicants only.

Click here to join now. Or read on to review the benefits …

Barron’s: “One of the greatest strategies in existence.”
“Weiss is the leader in identifying vulnerable companies.”

Welcome to Weekend Windfalls — the biggest income breakthrough in our 48-year history.

Imagine collecting about $1,000 almost every Friday (or multiples of $1,000)! That can add up to $50,000, $100,000, even $200,000 per year in extra income.

Imagine a success rate of 99.7% on all trades!

And imagine an average annual return of 151.5%, or nearly 100 times more than you can currently get with a bank CD!

Well, you don’t have to just imagine this any more …

Because it’s precisely the income breakthrough we are offering today.

By becoming a Charter Member now, you get a full 50% OFF DISCOUNT for the first month of membership.

So you can access everything for only $97.

After the first month, you can lock in the low non-refundable membership rate of just $197 per month. And you can cancel anytime for any reason.

This special offer entitles you to an instant savings of $2,736!

And you could easily cover a year’s worth of membership benefits in your first two weeks alone, giving you 50 weeks of Weekend Windfalls free and clear.

Our promise: Collect at least $50,000 in your first year, or get a second year free!

Click here to apply while you still can.

Why This Is the Greatest Income
Breakthrough in our 48-Year History

We’ve spent many months researching this opportunity full-time. We’ve spent more than $3.2 million in data costs alone.

And we’ve racked up nearly 8 years of computer-modeling hours … studying precisely how this opportunity works.

Weekend Windfalls is the result — our new premium trading service dedicated to generating instant-cash payouts nearly every Friday …

Just in time for that long weekend at the beach … or a couple rounds of golf with the guys at your local PGA course. Or …

Maybe you want to buy your special someone that surprise gifts … or sock another $1,000 away into your IRA … pay for your kid’s or grandkid’s college … or the mortgage on a vacation home in the mountains.

You can use Weekend Windfalls to pay for, well, anything!

And over the next year, if you stick around, you could collect 50 or more windfalls … worth about $1,000 each.

That’s enough to generate an extra $50,000 in your first year alone.

And simply by investing more, you could pull down $100,000 or even $200,000 per year in extra income.

If It’s That Easy, How Come
Everybody Doesn’t Do it?

The answer is simple: Wall Street doesn’t want you to do it.

In fact, your broker probably isn’t supposed to tell you about it, because his firm is probably making a lot of money from a similar strategy all the time, and they don’t want the competition from average investors.

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, and almost every major firm on Wall Street is doing it. And they’re making billions of dollars.

So how did they book all these billions? And how can you intercept some of this money legally, nearly every Friday?

It all stems from an anomaly in the market and the most powerful income secret we’ve discovered in our 48-year history.

So let’s take a closer look …

The anomaly occurs in the market for stock options.

I know what you might be thinking: “Options are risky,” and you’d be right if you were talking about BUYING options.

According to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, on average, option buyers lose 82% of the time. But we take the other side of the transaction.

Instead of buying options, we SELL options. That simple step alone gives us the opportunity for winning odds starting at 82%.

But that’s just the beginning.

The Weekend Windfalls Strategy
Gives You Three Big Advantages

Advantage #1. As I said, you’re not taking the side of the gambler. You’re taking the side of the house. So right off the bat, instead of four-to-one odds against you, you have four-to-one odds in your favor.

Advantage #2. We mostly sell put options. That’s like selling a special kind of insurance — “crash insurance.” And guess what! Wall Street grossly overcharges for that crash insurance day after day. That’s the anomaly in the market!

Because of this anomaly, other investors are paying way too much for that crash insurance.

But you’re not buying; you’re selling. So you collect “too much” money, which is a good problem to have, right? It means you’re going to make MORE money on each trade.

Advantage #3 (the biggest of all) is our secret weapon, the Weiss Stock Ratings.

Here’s the key: When you sell a put option on a stock, you make money if the stock goes up. You make money if it drifts sideways. And you can even make money if it goes down moderately.

So you want to always sell puts on the highest-quality stocks you can find.

And that’s why our strategy uses the Weiss Stock Ratings, which have an unbeatable track record in picking the highest-quality stocks.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the Weiss Stock Ratings outperformed those of Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Standard & Poor’s and every single research firm covered.

And in another financial sector, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), which is the audition arm of the U.S. Congress, reported that our Weiss Ratings beat our closest competitors by three to one in accuracy.

Result: Thanks to the Weiss Ratings, you can improve your odds of winning from 82% to 99.7%. That means you reduce the odds of losing from 18% to 0.3% or by 54 times.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Every Thursday evening, after the markets close, we use the power of our $3-million Weiss Ratings database to scan more than 11,000 stocks and to help pick THE strongest stocks on the market.

Step 2: We pinpoint the one best put option to sell on that stock in order to collect the biggest weekend windfall we can.

Step 3: We monitor the option until it expires about 30 days later.

That’s it! Not bad, right?

So what’s the downside? In a tiny percentage of cases, we will need to buy 100 shares of the underlying stock for each option sold.

Is that a big problem? No, because keep in mind, this is a stock we rated as one of the best out of 11,000 on the market.

So what’s the consequence if it doesn’t work out? You get to own shares of a stock we absolutely love.

That’s why a report on NASDAQ.com says that “selling puts could be a way to increase your income by hundreds or even thousands of dollars every month.”

According to a report on CNBC, “it can be a good strategy in volatile, choppy markets.”

Barron’s says that it’s “one of the greatest strategies in existence.”

And by the way, Barron’s also once published this big headline: “Weiss is the leader in identifying vulnerable companies.”

In other words, we know how to avoid the companies that get into trouble and go down. And that’s the key to boosting your odds of winning from 82% to 99.7%.

Here’s what you get when you join:


    Each week, we scan the markets using our proprietary models. And we pinpoint a new windfall opportunity, delivered to you on a silver platter.

    (NOTE: To collect your Windfalls … you’ll need a brokerage account with options clearance. We recommend you have an account of at least $25,000 to execute this strategy … although it’s up to each individual.)


    Whenever we spot an especially hot opportunity that does not hit on Friday, you’ll get an immediate Flash Alert. This alone can add another $10,000 to $20,0000 (or multiples thereof) to your yearly income.


    Editor Mike Larson walks you through his new income-exploding strategy in simple terms. You’ll learn the basics — how to set up your account to receive your first windfall, and how to use this strategy to create a massive new income stream that can pay for anything from a weekend in Paris to your grocery bills!


    This three-part series of easy-to-understand videos will show you, on screen, exactly how ANYONE can execute this strategy in about 30 seconds or less. You’ll watch over Mike’s shoulder as he teaches you his methodology … and how it could change your retirement plans for the better.

Our $50,000-Per-Year Promise to You

Join now, and we promise that you’ll have the opportunity to make an extra $50,000 in income in your first year.

If you do stay for a full year and don’t, simply contact us right up through Day 364 … and we’ll immediately credit your account with an extra year (value: $5,000).

That’s how confident we are in Weekend Windfalls.

To claim your 50% OFF DISCOUNT for the first month of membership…

To secure your $2,736 savings …

And to lock in one of the few monthly Charter Member slots available, simply fill out the information below.

Weekend Windfalls
Charter Member Application

($97 for the first month, $197 per month thereafter,
a $2,736 savings. Cancel anytime without obligation.)

Your Information

Fields with * are mandatory

Having problems placing your order? Please call us for help at 1-877-934-7778 or +1-561-627-3300 from overseas, Mon-Fri, 9:00-5:30 Eastern.

Returning customer?

Refund Policy: Your monthly subscription fee is non-refundable. However, you have two good options: If the service does not give you the opportunity to make an extra $50,000 after one year, contact us by phone or email, and we will pay for you to get a second year of Weekend Windfalls for free. Alternatively, if you are ever dissatisfied with the service for any reason, you can cancel at any time, and we will give you a credit for the unused balance, which can be applied to any other service we publish.

Important note: The ability to (a) earn approximately $1,000 in extra income per week or much more, (b) earn approximately $50,000 per year or multiples thereof, (c) achieve annual average returns that are nearly 100 times better than bank CDs, and (d) do so with a 99.7% success rate, is based on over three years of testing using the Weiss Stock Ratings model, as well as the Weiss Options Model to analyze thousands of stocks and hundreds of thousands of options, assuming a hypothetical investor uses two times minimum required margin (or only half of maximum leverage). If less or no leverage were used, the income achieved would be marginally or significantly smaller. Unexpected sharp declines in financial markets, such as occurred during the Covid-19 crisis of March and April of 2020, can also adversely affect performance.

Although past experience or testing is no guarantee of future performance, we believe these results provide an accurate representation of what is possible. Trading tactics that can further enhance the income and capital preservation of the strategy were not included in the test period but will be included in the Weekend Windfall Service. For more information, see Terms and Conditions.