Wealth Megatrends
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- Bonus Report #1: The Silicon Carbide Boom: Two Chipmakers Leading the Charge
- Bonus Report #2: My Top Five AI Stocks
- Bonus Report #3: How AI Will Transform the $7 Trillion Oil Industry
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Elon Musk revolutionized the electric vehicle industry.
And now he could do it again.
At any minute, Musk could tweet out the names of two chipmaking stocks and send them into the mainstream media’s consciousness.
That’s why I encourage you to sign up for Wealth Megatrends today, so you don’t miss out on these two special chipmaking stocks.
And by signing up today, you’ll also get 50% OFF the regular retail price for one year of Wealth Megatrends.
This is the best price we’ve ever offered for these resources.
And it may not last long.
If you’d like to claim your discount and your bonus AI stock reports, please review the information below and fill out our simple order form to sign up.
Here’s everything you’ll receive:
50% OFF One Full Year of Sean Brodrick’s Wealth Megatrends
On the fourth Friday of every month, you’ll get a new issue of Wealth Megatrends with a brand-new recommendation from Sean. We’ll show you how to play the biggest trends hitting the market, like 5G, EVs, artificial intelligence and the downfall of China. And we only select the very best, dividend paying stocks.
The Silicon Carbide Boom: Two Chipmakers Leading the Charge
By 2025, every EV made in America, China and Europe will need silicon carbide chips — or else they will not be able to get the full power of Tesla’s Supercharger network. I expect Elon Musk to tweet about this any day. He may even name these two companies. Either way, demand for Silicon Carbide is expected to jump 10x in the next few years. And these two companies are critical to meeting that demand. Not only that, but these chipmakers are also critical to the AI boom.
My Top 5 AI Stocks
Artificial intelligence is impacting almost everything we do … and growing at lightning speed. It’s all-hands-on-deck to keep pace … and an amazing opportunity for five specific stocks. I believe each of these companies will play a major role in the ongoing AI boom. Get in now if you’re interested, before AI potentially takes off even more.
How AI Will Transform the $7 Trillion Oil Industry
Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the oil and gas industry, making the process for finding, drilling and extracting more efficient than it’s ever been. In this report, I’ve identified four specific companies that are leading the transformation.
24-7 Flash Alerts
Any time there are critical time-sensitive opportunities, massive swings in the market or any news on our recommendations, we’ll get that information to you as soon as possible. I won’t leave you hanging with just one issue a month. My analysts and I will keep you in the loop on all of the market news.
Weiss Ratings Daily E-Letter
Another way to stay up to date on the latest from all of our analysts at Weiss Ratings is through our 5-times a week e-letter. We’ll cover all the day’s headlines from an alternative investing perspective. We’re not just going to regurgitate the same stuff you see on CNN, but give you our twist. Oftentimes, it will be the exact opposite of what the talking heads say.
Confidential, Online Briefings
Every once in a while, a story will be too big for just an email or a monthly issue. Instead, I’ll get on video and explain all the details. I’ll even answer your questions, right there. (Please remember, we are legally forbidden from giving individual investment advice.)
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All subscribers are eligible for a full refund at any time during the next 12 months.

Please, take the next year to try out Wealth Megatrends and see if it’s right for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply call our customer service team and we’ll give you a full refund.
Sean Brodrick
Editor, Wealth Megatrends
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