Weiss Ultimate Portfolio

Membership Application

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your Membership Benefits.

Here’s a quick reminder of all the benefits you get as a member of the Weiss Ultimate Portfolio:

You get rapid growth. 722% total return since 2007. An average return of 67.2% PER YEAR. The potential to beat Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway by nearly FIVE to one!

You get protection in bear markets. This alone can make the difference between a miserable, retirement and truly enjoying the fruits of your labor!

You get a program suitable for your life savings, including IRAs and other retirement accounts. No options or futures. Strictly in solid, liquid, stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

You get the FREEDOM to enjoy your life: Just a few minutes each week — that’s all I ask. Simply check your inbox every Friday for your Market Alert. We’ll tell you in easy-to-follow, plain English what to buy or what to sell.

You get huge savings! Normally, two years of Weiss Ultimate Portfolio is $5,000. But if you join now, you are entitled to our special discount privileges. Your cost for the two years is only $2,397. And that’s just the beginning of the savings you reap, thanks to …

You get three EXTRA years FREE! I will pay for you to receive three MORE years — a $7,500 value — FREE. Add it all up and it means you save a total of $10,103 if you join now.

You get it ALL for only $1.31 cents per day. Your bottom-line cost for the entire FIVE YEARS is only $2,397, or a meager $1.31 per day. That’s less than one gallon of regular gasoline!

You get my unconditional ANYTIME GUARANTEE! You must be thrilled with the money you make, or you can cancel any time for any reason or a full refund on the balance of your membership.


If you leave now, you could forfeit your $10,103 in savings!

Click “STAY ON THIS PAGE” to see how you can take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime offer from Dr. Martin D. Weiss!

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Having problems placing your order? Please call us for help at 1-877-934-7778 or +1-561-627-3300 from overseas, Mon-Fri, 9:00-5:30 Eastern.

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Refund policy: You receive my unconditional, “Anytime Guarantee.” You must be thrilled with the money you make, or you can cancel for any reason for a full refund on the balance of your membership.

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