John Markman

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You get “Profit From The Power Elite …” In this short-but-powerful guide I’ll lay out FOUR EASY STEPS you can take today to help streamline your portfolio …

STEP #1: Get rid of your “sucker stocks” now! — I’ll start by giving you a “blacklist” of the stocks that nearly everyone owns … but nobody should! Don’t be fooled by famous names, good publicity, or even recent performance. These are stocks you should sell now.

STEP #2: Beat Wall Street at their own game! — Wall Street brokers have a number of “carny tricks” they use to separate you from your hard-earned money. In Chapter 2, I spell them out in detail so you’ll never fall for these tricks again.

STEP #3: Buy the 8 “POWER ELITE” stocks! — Chances are, you won’t recognize the names of some of these stocks. But while they may not be famous, these stocks make up for it in steady, reliable, and sometimes, spectacular growth.

STEP #4: Find out how to use the “pivotal point” in the Power Elite portfolio — In Chapter 4, I’ll explain how we use the Pivotal Point to find Power Elite stocks, and how you can do this, too, in your own trading.

PLUS, you also get …

 “The Beauties (And the Beasts) of Utilities!” — Utilities are a great option to protect your capital and collect income, too. But you need to own the right companies. I’ll tell you exactly who’s the beauty — and who’s the beast — when it comes to utility stocks.

 “Get Rich in the New Gilded Age!” — We are entering the second “Gilded Age” with new opportunities in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, robotics, and more. The key to taking advantage of this is to buy little known, but solid companies, with the ability to soar. In this report, you’ll get the names of six companies that meet these criteria.



 “What If He Pushes the Button?” — What’s the single biggest threat to your money I see on the horizon right now? The possibility that North Korea will launch a nuclear attack on the west. I’ll reveal three Power Elite stocks that could soar if the bomb falls. A horrible thing to think about, I know. But better to be safe than sorry.

These four reports are advertised online for $79 apiece — $316 in all. But for the next ten minutes, you can purchase all four for just $9.95!

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Once you read these profit guides, you’ll need a way to stay on top of these growth companies; complete with specific “buy” and “sell” signals to protect and grow your wealth. Plus, I may add new “Power Elite” stocks to the portfolio. You’ll get my signals on when to buy these stocks, too.

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