Invest $10,000;
walk away
a multi-millionaire.
Here’s how Jon Markman’s Tech Trend strategy could have turned every $10,000 you invested into more than $2.9 million …
- Without touching options or futures …
- Without frequent trading that keeps you chained to your computer …
- With investments any investor can buy (even in a retirement account), and …
- With a simple strategy anyone can easily follow in just a few minutes per week.
Dear Fellow Investor,
My guess is that this true story will shock you as much as it did me:
Just a few days before my last birthday — on September, 15th to be exact — a very interesting document landed in my inbox.
It was a spreadsheet that showed how much money you could have made if you had followed Jon Markman’s “Technology Trend” strategy since the year 2000.
The word “shocked” can’t even begin to describe how I felt as I studied the numbers in that document:
It showed that if you had simply followed Jon’s “buy” and “sell” signals since 2000 …
You could have turned every $10,000 you invested into $80,706.
Frankly, I didn’t believe my eyes at first. That’s a …707.1% return.
So, I asked my research team to follow Jon’s strategy all the way back to the year 2000 … to confirm the results of every trade … and to double-check every gain and every loss down to the last penny.
And our research confirms it …
In fact, my research team announced not just one finding, but two:
FIRST, they found that, had you followed every one of Jon’s “buy” and “sell” signals since 2000, you could indeed have earned a 707.1% return.
For every $10,000 you invested, you could have walked away with $80,700, less the small commissions and fees you would have paid to make the trades.
And SECOND: That 707.1% return was ONLY true if you had taken all your profits off the table at the end of each calendar year!
If you had followed Jon’s signals in a tax-deferred account and reinvested your gains just ONCE yearly — at the beginning of each new year …
Your $10,000 could now be worth
more than $2.9 MILLION
($2,924,309, less commissions, to be exact.)
In fact, Jon’s model has done something I would never have thought possible:
It transforms technology stocks into “all-weather” money-makers: Not a single losing year since Jon began tracking results in the year 2000!
Here’s an even more astonishing fact:
Even though Jon never shorts stocks or uses investments like put options, futures or inverse ETFs to short the market …
His strategy could have made you money — quite a bit of money, in fact — in years when the Nasdaq 100 FELL in value!
When we closely examined his performance, we saw the proof:
Jon’s system could have kept you out of the market during all big declines …
Then moved you INTO the market to catch the powerful bounces after every bear market.
You see, Jon’s Tech Trend strategy focuses exclusively on ETFs that cover the Nasdaq 100 — one hundred of the largest, non-financial companies listed on the tech-heavy Nasdaq exchange.
Between 2000 and 2002, …the Nasdaq plunged by more than 75% in the tech wreck.
But simply by following Jon’s Tech Trend signals, your cumulative gain for the three years could have been 165.4%. All without ever using investments that require you to bet on market declines!
Plus, you could have also earned a 19% return in the Great Recession year of 2008, when, on average, mutual fund investors and money managers suffered 50% losses!
Would you have seen some losing trades? Of course.
Are losing months — even losing years — possible in the future? Yes.
But the key is …
Jon Markman’s model caught
ALL of the Nasdaq 100’s major
ups and downs since the year 2000.
The chart below tells the story in a nutshell …
In early 2000, the Nasdaq 100 stocks soared to unbelievable levels. If you were invested, I don’t need to tell you how costly this crash was.
Yet Jon’s model warned of the great decline to come. With his signal, you could have cashed out exactly 14 days in advance — and kept your profits.
By late 2002, the Nasdaq 100 stocks hit rock bottom. Investors were shell-shocked. Most were afraid to go anywhere near a tech stock.
But Jon’s signal caught the bottom and the turn 24 days in advance. With it, you could have harnessed the enormous wealth-building power of the rally that followed — and continued doing so for five long years!
Then, the housing bust began in 2007. Once again, most investors had no inkling of the massive crisis directly ahead. Again, they were trapped in the Nasdaq. And once again, they lost their shirts.
But with Jon’s signals, you could have known this crash was on the horizon — and preserved your capital — a full 29 days in advance.
By early 2009, the market had been clobbered. Most investors were far too frightened to buy stocks — let alone tech stocks.
They had no clue the biggest buying opportunity of all had begun. But if you’d had the benefit of Jon’s tech trend signals, you could have known. You could have received his buy signal 25 days in advance.
Today, Jon’s model continues to rack up profits in the longest bull market in recent memory. And when this bull market is ready for a correction, you can bet his model will give you an advance signal, too.
Bottom line, Jon’s Tech Trend model could have helped you catch every major move — and nearly every intermediate move — in the Nasdaq 100 since the year 2000.
And you could have used these moves to build a $2.9 million retirement account from just $10,000.
And this gets even better …
This is not one of those high-risk strategies that has you taking fliers on exotic, super-high-leverage investments.
And it sure isn’t one of those strategies that drives you crazy, trading in and out of the market every day, or even every week.
It’s a prudent, risk-averse strategy designed to help PROTECT you from stock market declines — while making more money during the upswings.
In fact — even beyond the profits you could make — there’s a lot to like about Jon’s strategy …
First, it’s easy to use:
You invest exclusively in
just ONE technology index …
The one with the world’s top tech stocks!
Jon focuses exclusively on the very best stocks in the tech sector — the Nasdaq 100 companies.
For one thing, the “Nasdaq 100” contains most of world’s greatest technology firms.
I’m talking about Apple and Alphabet. Microsoft and Amazon. Facebook, Comcast, Intel, Cisco, Amgen, Celgene and scores of other high-tech or biotech stocks whose names you know.
…So, you never have to worry about which stocks to buy. Because Jon keeps you invested in the highest quality tech companies on the planet. …
And this makes it even easier:
You’re either IN,
or you’re OUT.
The secret to Jon’s astonishing $10,000-to-$2.9 million success is his proprietary Tech Trend strategy.
This is the ground-breaking model Jon and his team built from the ground up to drive his “buy” and “sell” signals.
I’ve asked Jon to explain how it works in detail — and he will, below. But here’s the key:
Jon’s tech strategy never shorts the market. You are either …
- All in, fully invested in the Nasdaq 100, or …
- All out, sitting happily on the sidelines, cash in hand, waiting for your next buying opportunity.
It is, quite clearly, the ultimate in simplicity. And it’s also the ultimate in convenience:
You NEVER have to be
chained to your computer again!
On average, Jon’s Tech Trend strategy has signaled only 17 changes per year since 2000 — only one or two per month. (That includes both signals at the MAJOR turns I just told you about AND signals at intermediate market turns.)
So you have plenty of time to get on with your life between trades.
Work. Travel. Play golf. Go to the beach. Do whatever you like. You really don’t even need to give your investments a second thought.
Whenever you check your email, you’ll immediately know if there’s a “buy” or “sell” signal by the subject line on the trade alert Jon sends you. And that signal will always come at the same time of the day.
Just make the trade on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Then, simply go about your business.
Could making millions really be this easy?
No one can guarantee that the patterns of the past will be replicated in the future. But, in a way, we’re lucky the past 17 years have given us experience with major extremes in the Nasdaq — both up and down. Because the pay-off is Jon’s model has learned a lot from the experience.
So my answer is “yes.” It could be that easy.
…You really could have turned $10,000 into more than $2.9 million by following Jon’s signals — signals made possible by his proprietary model, developed over decades with a team of mathematicians and scientists …
That’s why I am happy to give you a very special offer — as a new Power Elite member — to Jon Markman’s Tech Trend Trader — the only trading service in the world based exclusively on his proprietary strategy.
Here’s Jon to tell you more about it …
Thanks for the intro, Martin!
And to you, my new Power Elite member, I have a pledge:
I want your profits to be so impressive, you’re almost embarrassed to mention them.
In truth, we both know that if my strategy helps you turn $10,000 into more than $2.9 million, you’ll probably shout it from the rooftops.
Heck, even if you do half that well, you’d be telling everyone you know.
And who could blame you? These verified results are truly life-changing.
The question I get asked most often is WHY? “Why does my Tech Trend strategy work so well?”
The first answer is simply that we’re investing for the future … and technology IS the future. We all know that technology has created every major advance in human history:
From the invention of the wheel to agriculture and the cotton gin …
From the printing press and television to the personal computer, and the smart phone …
From the steam engine and jet turbine to bullet trains and electric vehicles.
The history of technology is the history of mankind and the story of our lives.
Technology will determine how all seven billion of us work, communicate, meet, fall in love, raise families, play and create the next generation of technological marvels.
And the next generation of technology miracles can make you richer than you’ve ever dreamed.
These four massive megatrends
will make technology investors
trillions of dollars richer
in 2019 and beyond:
Megatrend #1 is mobile computing. Not just on your laptop, tablet and smart phone, but everywhere. On your wrist. In your car. Even implanted into your body to instantly report health problems to your doctor, potentially saving your life.
Worldwide, more than four billion people access the web on mobile devices, and more are joining the party every day. Each of those devices needs chips, screens, batteries, software, wireless and GPS connectivity and more.
The companies that produce and sell these devices are already making trillions of dollars. And investors who own their stock are destined to build vast fortunes in the years ahead.
Megatrend #2 is “the Internet of things.” Computer chips are NOT just for computers anymore. They can be inserted into just about everything you can name — from homes, to credit cards, right down to the can of soup at the grocery store and even the shelf it sits on.
They can run factories … track inventories … control environments … faultlessly guide planes, trains and automobiles … monitor our shopping habits … and much more.
ABI Research estimates that more than 30 billion chips will be wirelessly connected to the Internet of Things by 2020. Any company that manufactures or uses these chips, will make investors rich.
Megatrend #3 is solar energy. Not just because it’s better for the environment. But more importantly, because it will be so many times CHEAPER than fossil fuels. And the companies that do it best will create entire generations of new millionaires.
Megatrend #4 is drone technology: Not just drones that fly, but drones that get around equally well at sea and on land. In the years ahead, these driverless vehicles will bring us our pizza, deliver the mail, pick up our laundry, and even bring massive cargoes to our shores from around the world.
And, again, the companies that make and use those drones will make untold fortunes for millions of investors.
My Tech Trend Trader is painstakingly designed
to help YOU turn these megatrends
into money in the bank!
Here’s how my Tech Trend Trader works …
First, I focus on one — and only one — tech sector index: The Nasdaq 100. This represents one hundred of the largest, non-financial companies listed on the tech-heavy Nasdaq exchange.
Second, I trade that index with two ETFs.
- One has no leverage. It pays you $1 for every $1 the index rises.
- The other has 2x leverage. It’s designed to pay you $2 for every $1 rise in the index.
Third, we have three modes:
- When my Tech Trend model identifies above-average strength in the market, we use the ETF designed to pay you $2 for every $1 rise in the index.
- When it identifies average strength, we use the ETF that’s designed to pay you $1 for every $1 rise in the index.
- And when my Tech Trend model sees weakness in the market, we stand pat on the sidelines, 100% in cash.
Fourth, we don’t trade often: As Martin said earlier, since 2000, our model shows an average of only about 17 trades per year.
Yet by following this strategy, you could have turned $10,000 into more than $2.9 million since the year 2000.
Fifth, my signals are so accurate, they could have even helped you make money — a LOT of money — during the depths of the great Tech Wreck and every year since.
So, at this point, you’re probably asking …
“How could a trading strategy this simple have the power to turn $10,000 into more than $2.9 million?”
“And how could something this easy pile up profits even when markets crash?
The answer:
My Tech Trend strategy
answers three critical questions
to maximize profit potential and
minimize risk in EVERY market.
Now, I make no bones about the fact that the formulas I use to generate my “buy” and “sell” signals are proprietary.
I have spent a lifetime creating, testing and fine-tuning them. They are 100% exclusive to this strategy, and no amount of money could ever induce me to reveal them to anybody.
But I can explain the basic principles that guide it: Before I give you a “buy” or “sell” signal, my model answers three critical questions:
“Is the U.S. economy strong enough
to invest in the stock market right now?”
This question is the Achilles heel for most investors. And it’s nearly impossible to get a correct answer from Wall Street analysts. The problem is, these analysts still use old, fundamentally flawed, models based on false assumptions. These models simply can’t tell you when the economy is REALLY in trouble.
My model is very different. It acknowledges that bad things happen from time to time — without any bias.
The result is a clear and honest picture of how weak or strong the economy really is.
If the answer is the economy is NOT strong enough to justify investment, we get out (or stay out) of the market.
Otherwise, we move on to the next question …
“Are technology stocks a good value today?”
Before we invest, I want to make sure that we pay a fair price for stocks — and nothing more. I also want to make sure these stocks have plenty of room to move higher.
To do this, my Tech Trend model first examines the valuations of the overall stock market, as well as each individual sector.
Then, it compares the valuations of the Nasdaq 100 to other sectors and the market as a whole.
And it does all this in a revolutionary way: Instead of just relying on the traditional price-earnings ratios that Wall Street uses, my model answers a much bigger question:
How much would a sophisticated equity investor or institution pay to buy out each company in the Nasdaq 100? Based on that measure, what is the total value of the Nasdaq 100 today?
We will move into the market ONLY if we find that today’s actual price levels are substantially lower than total value of the Nasdaq 100 companies. If that’s the case, the market is underpriced and has plenty of room to move higher.
But if we find that tech stock prices are already sky-high and have little room to rise, we’ll be on the sidelines for a while.
“Are technology stocks moving higher
— and likely to continue that trend?”
Once we get into the market, my goal is to maximize your profits, while minimizing risk. My model objectively weighs both risk and reward — and it does so in a very accurate way.
The math behind my formulas is based to a large extent on the work of Harold Edwin Hurst — and the beauty of the Hurst approach is you don’t have to rely on past data to predict future trends.
When you rely too much on past data, you make the false assumption that the market will continue to behave like it did yesterday. That’s every bit as dangerous as trying to drive down a freeway at 90 miles an hour with your windshield blacked out, using only your rear-view mirror!
Our approach is revolutionary — and that’s precisely why it can predict the Nasdaq’s ups and downs with such remarkable accuracy.
Overall, the Tech Trend model carefully weighs the answers to all three of these critical questions. This means you can get into the market when it’s rising … and move to the sidelines when it is not.
And this is how you can grow a multi-million nest egg in any market. I sincerely believe this is …
The best way to build your retirement
account … bar none.
Imagine … never having to worry about money again. And never fearing that you could outlive your savings.
You could actually enjoy your retirement … and do everything you’ve planned.
This is why I’m offering my service, Tech Trend Trader to you today. It’s a perfect complement to The Power Elite, because Tech Trend Trader gives you a second way to grow your money with the strongest stocks on the market.
And with Tech Trend Trader …
We will ONLY invest when it makes sense to invest: When the overall economy is strong enough to warrant it … when stocks are fairly valued … and when tech stock prices are rising — and likely to continue their upward momentum.
Your hard-earned money will be in the very best stocks: When you’re invested, you own either the 1x or 2x PowerShares QQQ ETF — the exchange-traded funds that own the highest-quality names traded on the tech-heavy NASDAQ.
You will always know what to do: When it’s time to move into or out of the market, I’ll send you a Trade Alert with easy-to-follow instructions.
My signals could not be clearer. You will either be “IN” — 100% invested in one of the two ETFs — or 100% out of the market, holding cash, waiting for the next big buying opportunity.
And you can get on with your life: With Tech Trend Trader, you are never chained to your computer. On average, you’ll see only one or two trades per month. Meanwhile, your money can continue to grow while you enjoy life!
PLUS, as a member of Tech Trend Trader,
you also get:
Weekly updates: This is where I draw on my three decades of experience as an award-winning journalist, analyst and fund manager — along with my contacts at funds and research firms around the world.
Every week, I bring you up-to-the minute news on the most exciting breakthroughs in technology — and the companies making them possible.
I’ll also give you my insights on economic, political, cultural and technical events that could affect tech stocks.
My “Shockwave Portfolio”: Frankly, harnessing the power of technology stocks with Tech Trend Trader — a system with the power to turn $10,000 into more than $2.9 million — is enough for most people.
But I want to give you another way to grow your money.
So, in my Shockwave Portfolio, I include tech giants that dominate their niches and are growing money hand over fist as a result. I also bring you recent IPOs that are selling for a song — with the potential to become the next Facebook.
Most important, I tell you when to buy, when to sell, and at exactly what price.
My Shockwave Portfolio is your roadmap to these moneymaking stocks. It’s up nearly 30% this year, and I update it for you continually in Tech Trend Trader.
Online Q&A sessions: Have questions for me about tech investing in general or on our current position? No problem! You can always ask questions at your exclusive member’s website, in the Editor’s Mailbag.
Plus, every quarter, I host an online, members-only meeting where I give you the latest updates and answer your questions. It’s another way to get the latest information on world events, and their impact on your investments.
These member-only perks can be yours, when you join me in Tech Trend Trader today.
And to welcome new Power Elite members, Dr. Weiss has agreed to this exclusive offer …
Tech Trend Trader for $1,497
Normally, Tech Trend Trader is $2,500 per year. When you compare this to elite trading services that go for $5,000 a year or more, it’s quite a bargain. But when you join me today, you won’t pay $2,500 to get started. Not even close.
Because for a limited time, we want you to join FOR A LIFETIME for just $1,497 —
You save a total of $1,003!
Plus, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
I am so confident Tech Trend Trader will help you build your wealth, I want to give you this more-than-generous guarantee…
Go for all the profits you like for the next year.
If, at ANY time, you are not satisfied for any reason whatsoever, just let us know.
We’ll make sure you get a full refund on the balance of your subscription.
I want you to be happy with my service. And this guarantee is my way of making sure you are.
Your new membership in Tech Trend Trader:
Join for A LIFETIME for $1,497
And save $1,003!
… And remember: If you’re not completely satisfied with the money you make in Tech Trend Trader, just call our customer service team. They will happily give you a refund on the un-used portion of your fee.
But don’t wait. We designed this offer specifically for you, as a new Power Elite member. If you say “No”, you will likely never see this offer again.
But I urge you say, “Yes”. By combining Tech Trend Trader with your Power Elite stocks, you can build your wealth, no matter what happens in the markets. And that peace of mind, is worth every penny.
I look forward to welcoming you aboard!
Best wishes,

Jon Markman
Editor, Tech Trend Trader