- Your Complete Profit Plan for the Collapse of 2020, including the seven simple steps for protecting your assets and making rapid-fire profits starting today.
- The 19 biggest landmine stocks right now. If you own one, look out! Plus, how to access our full “endangered list” of 6,054 stocks poised to fall the most.
- How to build a protective firewall around ANY asset you own, instantly, while going for gains such as 300%, 79%, 2,039% and more.
- The Weiss family secret that has already shown us single-day gains of 770% on Deutsche-Bank … 1,121% on Occidental … and 3,033% on Chemores. If you want to learn how to profit immediately, go here.
Chapter 1
The Stark Reality of Our Times Has an Extremely Profitable Silver Lining
As I write these words today, the collapse of 2020 has barely begun, but many investors are already talking about an early recovery.
They think that a recovery is the only time that profits are possible.
They don’t realize that some of the biggest profits of all time can be made in bad times.
So, they grasp at any good news they possibly can.
They hear news about flattening of the curve of the pandemic.
They hear news about government rescues by Congress or the Federal Reserve.
And they rush to buy stocks.
This helps bring about sucker rallies in the market, luring investors deeper into a great trap.
And again, most investors fail to realize that, instead of getting sucked in …
They can use stock market rallies to buy special investments that could make them wildly rich in the big decline that inevitably follows.
Why will the market fall again?
Because the economy is already sinking into a second Great Depression, while the stock market seems to think it’s still booming.
Because more than 20 million Americans have been thrown out of work in just four weeks, and the number is growing rapidly every week:

Because all of the job gains we’d seen in the United States since 2009 have been wiped out.
That’s shocking enough.
But here are the truly big shockers, facts that no one on Wall Street wants to reveal or admit …
Shocker #1. Worst in 100 years: The U.S. unemployment level is already worse than during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Shocker #2. Biggest blow to the financial system ever: In the Great Recession, it took many months for unemployment to reach a peak; and in the Great Depression, it took years.
This time, it happened all at once, delivering a far greater blow not only to the people thrown out of work so suddenly, but also to the entire economy and, ominously, to the financial system.
Shocker #3. Giant companies are cashless: In the Great Depression, most big corporations had ample cash reserves.
Consider General Motors, for example. Even after the great bear market of 1929-32, GM had $1.84 in cash and equivalent per dollar of current bills. In contrast, at the end of 2019, even before the economy was shut down, it had only 22 cents in cash and equivalent per dollar of current bills. By April 2020, after a full month of economic lockdown it was probably close to cashless.
For America’s businesses, both large and small, that portends disaster.
And it’s all about to come to a head in the form of the biggest mass default in human history, blowing a massive hole in the side of the world’s most important market: the $100 trillion debt market. Once this process kicks into high gear, there’s no stopping it.
As growing masses of unemployed fail to pay their mortgages, rents, car payments, credit card bills, and even utilities, it’s setting off the first string of dominos.
Banks and businesses will suddenly find themselves short of funds. The money faucets won’t be dripping. They’ll be turned OFF.
And that will mean one inevitable result: Insolvency for countless banks, corporations, small business and individuals.
As you’ll see, that’s precisely where we are in the Collapse of 2020, and the next phase of this crisis is about to begin.
The silver lining: If you follow the simple steps I recommend in this e-book, not only can you protect your wealth from the ravages of this crisis, you can also USE the crisis to build wealth swiftly.
In fact, the crisis-profits secret you’re about to discover has already shown us waves of massive gains. The list includes 770% on Deutsche-Bank … 1,121% from Occidental and 3,900% on Essential Properties.
It also includes one extraordinary trade on Deciphera, which surged 11,700%, enough to turn $10,000 into $1,180,000 in a single day.
Click here if you want to jump to my chapter dedicated to this topic.
All these events are unfolding with great speed.
Massive job losses that used to take years now happen in weeks.
Stock market crashes — and rallies — that normally would take months, now happen in a matter of hours.
And worst of all, big corporate bankruptcies and bank failures, which typically don’t appear until the tail end of a long recession, could begin to appear at almost any time.
To adapt, we also need to act with great speed.
That’s why I am hosting a special series of emergency sessions online, and why I have rushed this e-book to you in a fraction of the time it normally would take.
In it, I will alert you to the biggest dangers — and biggest profit opportunities — in a lifetime.
I will show you how you can learn about them months in advance.
I will name the specific investments you can buy to make a fortune in the next decline … and then make a second fortune when a true recovery gets under way.
But let’s face the facts. You and I cannot count on the government to save the entire world, and that includes your job, your retirement, or your business.
This is time to take your destiny into your own hands, and in the chapters that follow, I show you how.
And it starts by taking a few, simple but powerful steps to protect yourself, starting right now.
Almost everything you own could be in jeopardy, even things that you thought would be safe — not just money you have in stocks, but also money you have in bonds and banks; not just right now, but for many months to come.
Chapter 2
The Next Phase of the Collapse Revealed: What’s Coming Now and How to Prepare
It may seem like we’re halfway through this financial crisis — or even nearing the end. Some folks even claim that the “bear market” is already behind us, and they’re loading up for “the next 10-year rally.”
Don’t make that mistake.
The crisis is just starting, and the next shoe is about to fall: A worldwide tsunami of defaults and bankruptcies.
Tens of millions of Americans thrown out of work will default on their mortgages, on their auto loans and on their credit card payments.
Businesses, whether big or small will do the same thing.
It will create a chain reaction: Finance companies will default on their obligations to their creditors. And hundreds of banks, especially those on our endangered list, will go bankrupt.
Corporate dominoes in Europe and Japan will fall at around the same time. And in emerging markets, as their currencies plunge, the bankruptcies will be even more widespread.
A lot of people and a lot of corporate executives are counting on the government to save them. But if I were you, I wouldn’t bet on it.
Sure, the government can bail out some companies and some banks some of the time. But can the government bail out everyone all of the time?
And here’s the big question: If the U.S. government spends too much money to bail out everyone ELSE, who will bail out the U.S. government itself? I’ll answer that question in a moment.
Already, however, one thing is abundantly clear: No matter what the government has done, or plans to do, this crisis is already worse than the Great Recession of 2008-2009, and establishment economists agree that it’s likely to soon be worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s.
When the dust settles, the collapse of 2020 will destroy the American dream for millions. And for most American families, nothing will ever be the same again.
I don’t want that for you.
Now, maybe you’re thinking that, “once the coronavirus crisis ends, then the financial crisis will end, too.”
I wouldn’t bet on that either.
The reason is so important, I want to underscore again: Before the virus appeared, we already had all the ingredients of a serious financial crisis in America.
In fact, this crisis actually began a long time ago with years of government manipulations, bad advice, dishonest financial ratings, and even outright lies.
Combined, these forces lured countless homeowners into debt. They spurred millions of investors to throw caution to the wind. They drove nearly everyone to take unprecedented risks with their hard-earned money.
And now, that massive $100 trillion debt mountain is about to implode, triggering a far more damaging downturn than what we saw in March.
If you find that hard to believe, I understand. I’ll give you the evidence in a moment. I’ll show you how most people, most companies, even most banks in America are unprepared for this crisis.
I’ll tell you exactly how many of them were already in deep trouble before the crisis began.
And I’ll explain why many will not survive.
But fortunately, a small minority of investors will escape the dangers and even use this crisis to build substantial wealth. If you act promptly on the simple recommendations I provide in this e-book, you could be one of them.
How? It starts by understanding the danger that could be lurking inside your current portfolio. Here’s what I mean …
Chapter 3
How You Can Learn about the
Dangers and Opportunities
Ahead of Time
Almost 50 years ago, I started my own rating and research company, the successor of my father’s company, which he started decades before that.
Since then, we’ve built a massive database of 57,000 companies and investments: stocks, ETFs, mutual funds and financial institutions.
Today, that entire database has been modernized by a team of analysts, mathematicians and data scientists, using advanced computer models.
That’s how we warned in advance about the bank failures of the 1980s.
That’s how we warned in advance about the Dot-Com bust of the early 2000s and the great Debt Crisis of 2008.
And how we began sounding the alarm about first-quarter 2020 stock market crash in December of 2019, well BEFORE coronavirus hit.
But we don’t just issue warnings; we also issue RATINGS, the Weiss Ratings. We provide a letter grade from “A” to “E” on nearly every stock, every ETF, every mutual fund, and every financial institution in America.
With those ratings we name the stocks that are likely to fall the most, and we name the banks that are most likely to go bankrupt.
In the last debt crisis, for example, we warned about nearly every major institution that failed and we did so months in advance.
- We named Lehman Brothers as a candidate for failure 182 days before it went bankrupt.
- We named Fannie Mae over one year in advance.
- We named Citibank, Wachovia Bank, and Washington Mutual Bank 51 days in advance.
- We flagged General Motors five months in advance and many more.
These kinds of on-target warnings prompted Worth magazine to say, “Weiss’s record is so good compared to that of its competitors, consumers need look no further” and …
The New York Times to say, “Weiss was the first to see the dangers and say so unambiguously.”
Barron’s wrote, “Weiss is the leader in identifying vulnerable companies.”
Louis Rukeyser of Wall Street Week wrote that “Weiss provides a tougher service.”
Chris Ruddy, founder of Newsmax and a close friend of President Trump, said, “Weiss’s prediction of the current economic crisis is uncanny.”
I think these comments demonstrate pretty clearly that our roadmap for surviving and thriving through this crisis wasn’t thrown together after the crisis began.
It’s built on a foundation of crisis investing that goes back nearly a century, to the Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s.
And it’s also the foundation of our endangered lists — every investment and financial institution meriting a Weiss Rating of D+ or lower.
As of the latest count, our endangered lists include:
- 6,054 common stocks
- 6,683 ETFs and mutual funds
- 1,381 banks and credit union with insufficient capital to withstand an ordinary recession, and
- 3,580 banks and credit unions unprepared for a depression
This isn’t based on guesswork. It’s based on our massive databases — verified, official data we extract their balance sheets, their profit and loss statements, and from market price trends.
And it’s the best evidence I can give you to support one of the most important points I am conveying to you in this e-book:
This is not just a coronavirus crisis. It’s also a financial crisis that was ready to happen long before the virus appeared.
I repeat: The virus is not the cause. It is merely the trigger event, the Black Swan that swoops down from the clouds and uncovers the big debts and the big financial risks everyone was taking.
That’s why our endangered lists are so long. And I’m sad to say, as this crisis unfolds, that’s why they are going to get a lot longer.
But here’s the big pay-off: As you’ll see in Chapter 6, not only can you use our endangered list to protect yourself from losses, you can also use them to go for life-changing profits in a market decline.
First, however, let me dispel a major myth that’s luring millions of unwitting investors into one of the greatest investment traps of all time.
Chapter 4
WARNING: If You’re Waiting for Government Bailouts to Save Your Portfolio, Home, or Business,
Read This NOW
Now, it’s time to answer that big question I raised earlier and that’s probably on your mind right now, too:
Will the government be able to print and spend enough money to make a lasting difference for you and your family?
Sure, the government can bail out a select group of companies that qualify for special loans. But since the last debt crisis, America’s companies have been piling up debt like there’s no tomorrow — nearly $7 trillion worth!
And the biggest surge has been in the riskiest kind of corporate debt. These types of debts are called Covenant-Lite Loans.

We call it “garbage debt.” And this garbage debt has surged roughly eight times since 2010 to an all-time record of nearly $400 billion.
In fact, the garbage debt now represents a whopping 75% of all leveraged loans, far and away the biggest market share of all time.
There’s very little the government can do to make so many financially sick companies healthy again.
And there’s nothing the government can do to prevent a plunge in corporate earnings. They can’t stop companies from losing money. And that’s what’s already happening. All kinds of companies, giant oil companies, auto manufactures, airlines, hotel chains, restaurants, small family business. They’re losing money. Hand over fist.
There’s also nothing the government can do to stop companies from laying off millions of workers, and that’s also what we’ve seen. Everywhere.
There’s nothing the government can do to stop companies from cancelling their stock dividends. And that’s what they’re doing: Huge companies like Ford Motor, Occidental Petroleum, Boeing, Delta, and Freeport-McMoRan. These are just a few of the many companies that have already slashed their dividends or have cancelled them entirely.
And in the end, there’s nothing the government can do to stop the stock market from falling. How far could the market fall? Well, here’s the history:

- In the Crash of 1929 and the big decline that followed, the average stock in the Dow Jones Industrials fell 89%.
- In the early 2000s, the average stock in the Nasdaq Composite Index fell by 78%.
- And in the 2008 Debt Crisis, the average stock in the S&P 500 fell 53%.
So that gives you some parameters of how much the average stock can go down in a crash: Anywhere from about half to as much as about nine-tenths.
That’s bad enough. But notice I said “average” stock, and not all stocks are average.
- In the early 2000s, a lot of supposedly great internet stocks lost 99%, even 100% of their value.
- In the 2008 debt crisis, shares in the largest bank holding company in the United States, Citigroup, Inc fell by 98%.
- Shares in the second largest, Bank of America, fell 94%.
These giant banks and other banks were on our endangered list many months before they failed, and anyone heeding our warning would have saved a fortune back then, another reason it’s important for you to heed my warnings now.
Right now, if you have stocks or mutual funds, depending on what stocks you own and how this crisis unfolds, it’s fair to assume that you could lose anywhere from half your money to almost all of your money.
Obviously, counting on the government to save your stock portfolio is not exactly a good strategy.
What About Your Real Estate?
Again, there’s very little the government can do to prevent your home from collapsing in value. They tried desperately to stop home prices from plunging in 2008. But did that stop the housing collapse? No.
The average home fell by more than half, and in some markets, home prices fell a lot more.
Back in 2007, before the housing bust, the net worth of the typical American household was about $142,000. More than a decade later, even after a long so-called recovery, it was only about $56,000.
So, they were still down by 60% or so. And that’s despite all the big government bailouts.
What about this time?
As I’ve shown you — as you can see yourself just by reading the news — the crisis is much worse than the Great Recession. So it’s not a stretch to say the typical household could lose even more.
But here’s the biggest problem of all, the problem almost everyone on Wall Street and in Congress seems to be ignoring:
The Government Has
No Money in Reserve
The government has no savings whatsoever. Instead, it’s running a huge deficit and it’s deep in debt. Everybody knows that.
For the year 2020, even before all the big government spending to combat this crisis, the federal budget deficit was already going to be huge, more than $1 trillion. A lot of people have been talking about that, too.
So, let me tell you what people are not talking about …
The federal deficit is now going to be many times bigger. Tax revenues have fallen apart. So that means a lot less money is coming into the government’s coffers. On top of that, the government is spending trillions of dollars to fight this crisis, right? So that’s a ton of money going out of the government’s coffers.
All told, instead of a deficit of $1 trillion, which is already big, the deficit is quadrupling to at least $4 trillion practically overnight.
I know that sounds unbelievable, but it’s a fact. So, who is going to finance that deficit? And if this crisis gets a lot worse, who in the world would be able to bail out the government of the United States?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not predicting that the U.S. government is going to default outright. I’m not predicting that the whole country is going to go bankrupt.
I’m just stating a fact of life, and it’s the fact that you must always bear in mind: There is a limit to how much the government can do.
Even if the Federal Reserve prints money by the trillions, the government cannot bail out every small business and every big corporation in America. It cannot bail out every city and state that’s in trouble. It cannot bail out all the banks that go broke.
So, you cannot — must not — rely on the government to bail YOU out either.
Of all the lessons learned from the past, this is probably the most important. Unfortunately, however, too many investors, including the so-called pros on Wall Street, have not yet figured it out.
That’s exactly why I’ve created this emergency e-book for you — to help you protect your assets from the storm ahead while getting rich in the process.
In just a moment, I’ll reveal the powerful crisis-investing breakthrough my team has developed for doing just that.
But first, there’s one more major threat to your wealth and it could crush your quicker than anything else. So, I’ve dedicated the next chapter to sidestepping this danger entirely.
Chapter 5
Sucker Rallies:
The Best Time to Sell and Make
a Fortune from the Next Decline
In the first weeks of April 2020, even as the U.S. and global economy continued to collapse, Wall Street suddenly seemed to turn bullish. The President signed $2.2 trillion stimulus package into law, and the Fed Chairman announced $2.3 trillion in additional money printing.
“This is not a bear market after all,” said the bulls. “The Dow is recovering, and it’s time to buy again.”
The market responded with a series of record-breaking one-day rallies, and the mainstream media was quick to dub each one “a new bull market.”
That’s exactly what the bulls said in 1929, too.
After the initial crash in October 1929, President Hoover vigorously and repeatedly promised “the recovery is around the corner,” and investors wanted to believe him so badly, they started buying again. So, the Dow regained about half of what it had lost in the crash.
But it was the next decline which turned out to be the big one. Starting in late April of 1930, the Dow plunged for nearly two full years, falling another 86%.
The bulls lost a lot of money in the crash of 1929 … and then lost a lot MORE money in the deep bear market of 1930-1932.
Meanwhile, short-sellers used that second decline to make some of the greatest fortunes of the entire century, and the profits my father made are the single best example: He turned a meager $500 into more than $100,000, or about $2 million in today’s money.
Don’t be surprised if you see a similar pattern this time around.
Already, economists are talking about at least 30% unemployment in 2020, more than the worst unemployment of the Great Depression.
Already, as I showed in Chapter 3, 1,381 banks and credit unions have insufficient capital to cover their risk in an ordinary recession, and another 3,580 have insufficient capital for a depression.
Plus, countless corporations, municipalities, states, government agencies like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and even the federal government are in dire financial shape.
Yes, the government can trigger big rallies in the market. But it cannot stop the stock market from falling any more than it did in the 1930s or in all the bear markets since.
And no matter how much the government spends, it cannot protect you from declines in your bonds, real estate, even art and other collectibles.
How to Protect Yourself From
Potentially Devastating Losses
Let’s say you own stocks that are vulnerable to a crash, especially stocks that are on our endangered list.
And suppose you’re unwilling or unable to sell them. Maybe you have a stake in the company you work for and it’s not vested yet. Maybe the shares are in your pension plan or a family estate that you don’t control.
Plus, here’s another situation: a family business. For the most part, it would probably be very tough to sell your family business in the middle of this crisis.
So what do you do?
This is where a hedge can be important — a firewall that you build around your assets.
You have assets that are falling in value in this crisis. So you buy investments that are designed to go up precisely when your other assets are going down.
That’s what I mean by a hedge. And that’s what those super-profitable trades can do for you.
In the last crisis, for example, if you heeded our forecast of banking collapses, you could have bought a special kind of ETF (exchange-traded fund) that goes up when bank stocks go down.
Between September 19th and November 21st of 2008, you could have made a gain of 144.1%. A $10,000 investment would have turned into $24,410.
And during that same period, another ETF designed to profit from the real estate decline posted a 354.9% gain, enough to more than quadruple your money. Your $10,000 would have grown to $45,490.
Plus, as the crisis struck other industries, you could have used similar investments in other sectors to grab gains of 156%, 176%, 193%, 289%, and more.
Now, in this crisis, the profit opportunities are even larger …
Chapter 6
How to Profit From
The Collapse of 2020
One of the most straightforward ways to make money in the collapse of 2020 is with the simple purchase of options.
Like any other investment, the goal is to buy them low and sell them high.
Your risk is absolutely limited to the small amounts you invest, but the profit potential is virtually unlimited.
For example, in the stock market crash of March 2020, I looked at three separate crash days and counted 460 distinct option trades selected by our Weiss Stock Ratings.
Each and every one could have given you gains of at least 300%.

- On the first crash day, we saw 27 trades that returned gains ranging from 300% to 1,500%. The average gain was 486%.
- On the first crash day, we saw 27 trades that returned gains ranging from 300% to 1,500%. The average gain was 486%.
- On the second crash day, the numbers went parabolic: We saw 146 Weiss Ratings winners, ranging from 300% to 5,100%. Average gain: 673%.
- On the third crash day, it was even better: 287 winners, ranging from 300% to 11,700%. Average gain: 718%.
Even if you invested only $10,000, and even if you chose the least profitable of these trades, you could have made about $30,000 on the first day, $30,000 on the second day, and another $30,000-plus on the third day. That’s a total of more than $90,000 in gains.
Or, if you invested those same $10,000 in just the average trades — not the best ones, mind you, just the average ones — you could have made $48,600 on day one, $67,300 on day two, and $71,800 on day three. That’s a total of $187,700.
All without reinvesting profits. All in just three trading days. And, of course, with more time, you could have made more money.
Now I hasten to add, any kind of investing involves risk.
But I repeat: With the purchase of options, your risk is strictly limited to the relatively small amounts to invest, and your profit potential is virtually unlimited.
Our Breakthrough
Crisis Investing Strategy
All of these trades meet the three strict requirements of our tried-and-tested all-weather strategy that can make money in almost any market environment:
- Requirement number one is strictly limited downside risk
- Requirement number two is liquidity. They have to be easy to buy and easy to sell.
- Requirement number three is high probability of success.
So exactly what is our strategy?
How can it protect you from stock market losses AND multiply your money many times over?
Simple, first, in a declining market, we target the nation’s worst stocks, as determined by our Weiss Stock Ratings. These are the kinds of stocks that, based on 90 years of experience going back to 1929, are likely to fall the most.
Second, on each stock, we select the most liquid, widely traded put options — investments designed to soar when stocks fall.
Third, we seek to buy the put options on a market bounce, when they are cheaper.
Fourth, when the stocks fall and the puts skyrocket in value, we look to sell them for a not-so-small fortune.
Fifth, when the market is ready to turn, we do the same with call options. We can talk more about this is a moment.
No complicated trades. You just buy low and sell high.
And if executed prudently, this strategy can be a godsend for investors, especially in crazy times like these.
Let’s say you hold stocks, ETFs or mutual funds in a regular stock portfolio which you are unable or unwilling to sell. Suppose you have stocks and corporate bonds in a 401(K), IRA, or a variable annuity. Or perhaps you own a business that could suffer in the ongoing crisis.
If so, this strategy can go a long way toward protecting you against losses. Better yet, it can generate life-changing profits.
Here are just a few of the most recent examples of winning trades (all on a single day) …
On Crash Day 1, March 5, 2020, We Saw Gains of …
- 325% gain on Dupont (rated D+) put option. Strike price — $52, expiring 4/3/2020
- 680% gain on JC Penny (D) put. Strike — $1, expiring 4/3
- 720% gain on Deutsche Bank (D) put. Strike — $7.50, expiring 4/3
- 770% on PTC Inc. (D+) put. Strike — $80, expiring 4/17
On Crash Day 2, March 9, The Gains Were Even Better:
- 700% gain on Alcoa (rated D) put. Strike — $10.50, expiring 4/3
- 880% gain on Goodyear Tire & Rubber (D+) put. Strike — $7.50, expiring 4/9
- 1,121% gain on Occidental Petroleum (D+) put. Strike — $29.50, expiring 4/9
- 2,082% gain on Harley-Davidson (D+) put. Strike — $28, expiring 4/3
Then …
On Crash Day 3, March 12, Investors Following Our
Strategy Could Have Made Even More Money:
- 943% gain on Core Laboratories (D+) put. Strike — $20, expiring 4/17
- 3,033% gain on Chemours Co. (D+) put. Strike — 13.50, expiring 4/3
- 3,900% gain on Essential Properties (D-) put. Strike — $22.50, expiring 4/17
- 11,700% gain on Deciphera Pharma (D) put. Strike — $45, expiring 4/17
Among all of these, even with the least profitable example (Dupont), you could have started the day with $10,000 and ended it with $42,500.
With the fourth best trade (Harley), you could have turned $10,000 into $218,200. Again, in a single day.
And with the best trade (Deciphera), you could have turned that same $10,000 into $1,180,000. Also in one day.
Bear in mind that starting with just $10,000 and making a net profit of more than $1 million like that in just a single day is NOT something you should count on.
Plus, you should also know that, whenever you invest in these crazy markets, losses are entirely possible.
What makes this strategy work especially well, however, is the strict discipline that our strategy requires.
Remember: All these trades come with downside risk that’s absolutely limited.
All are selected with the Weiss Stock Ratings, which have an unbeatable track record for picking the stock market dogs — the low-rated stocks that generate the biggest profit opportunities with put options
All these trades are ideal for times when stocks are falling.
All have the potential to generate at least 300% gains for investor in a single crash day.
Now, to help guide you to trades like these, we are reintroducing our most successful bear-market strategy of our 50-year history with Weiss Ratings’ Stock Options Hotline.
Chapter 7
Why at the Age of 73 and Semi-Retired, I have Decided to Launch a New Service
My good friend of 30 years, Tony Sagami, and I have been debating endlessly about these options — and hundreds of other spectacular opportunities begging to be snatched up in this market.

Left: Tony Sagami, 2-time winner of Thompson Financial Money Manager of the Year Award. Right: Weiss Ratings Founder Martin Weiss.
He wanted to run the service entirely on his own, and I’m certain he could do a great job with it. He’s the only person I know who made a killing in the Tech Wreck of the early 2000s and then did it AGAIN in the Crash of 2020.
He’s also the only person who won the Thompson Financial Money Manager of the Year Award — not just once but twice. And he did so in two of THE worst years for the stock market in this century.
Typically, I’m strictly the publisher, and I let our senior analysts like Tony do all the work. But in this case, I could not bear to stay away from this once-in-a-generation opportunity. I wanted to be more involved.
That’s when I reminded Tony about my father and what he achieved in the great bear market of 1929-1932. So Tony and I finally agreed: He’ll run the service and call the shots.
But I’ll also do my part. I’ll give him — and our subscribers — the benefit of my 50 years of experience and my father’s 60 years before me.
We have also agreed to restrict this service to a maximum of 1,000 members. This is absolutely essential for two reasons.
First, we want to make sure that we answer every single one of your questions. Second is the liquidity of the market. We want to make sure you get good fills on your buys and sells. Even though we use only options with good trading volume and liquidity, we can’t have too many people rushing in to buy or sell. So we have given firm instructions to our Customer Service team to reject all orders beyond the first 1,000 members.
In prior bear markets, we sold out all available memberships to our option service for $5,000 each. And given the tremendous profits they helped subscribers make when stocks fell, it was a great bargain at that price.
This time around, even as the demand for our service inevitably surges in this crisis, we will not raise the price. We will charge the same $5,000 as before.
However, right now, the crash has barely begun, and we want to give our most loyal subscribers a special opportunity to join BEFORE the broader public gets wind of this opportunity. So for a very limited time only, the price of the Weiss Ratings’ Stock Options Hotline is only $2,500 per year. That’s a savings of $2,500 right off the bat.
And no guarantees, but we expect the very first recommendations to pay many times the cost of the service.
So let me give you a quick summary of the benefits you will get as a member of our Stock Options Hotline.
FIRST, I will give you immediate access to our latest endangered lists — not only to look up stocks that you may own, but also to see for yourself the stocks that could generate the greatest and fastest put option profits when they crash.
At the same time, I will send you a detailed explanation of those remarkable bear-market instruments that could turn $10,000 into $218,200 in a single crash day (even with a trade that was only the FOURTH best result so far).
For optimum profit potential, we’re putting together a starter package of three related — but different — options with varying expiration dates and strike prices.
We’ll explain what they are, how to buy them, and how much to pay for them.
And in case you don’t really know what options are, we’ll include an explanation that begins with the basics and covers everything you’ll need to make this really work for you.
Most advisors give a recommendation but don’t do the necessary homework to make sure you can really act on them. We’ll tell you precisely when to get in, when to get out, and what at what prices.
Then we’ll keep you posted on any changes, so you’ll always have specific instructions on precisely when to take profits.
This is a V.I.P. exclusive service which has no ambiguities, ifs, buts, wherefores or other weasel phrases that so many advisors use to cover their you‑know‑whats.
SECOND — diversification
Right now, our strategy focuses mainly on the Weiss Ratings list of Stock Market Dogs. Because, as I’ve shown you, we see major fortunes being made in them right here and now. But as this crisis unfolds, it will have many repercussions on a wide range of investment sectors.
Just recently, we’ve already seen a 2008-style debt crisis in the corporate credit markets, with millions of small businesses and many banks stretched thin. If banks start failing, put options on bank stocks could see the most massive gains.
And it won’t be the first time. Back in 2008, Citicorp fell to less than $1 per share. And if you think the gains I’ve just shown you are big, wait till you see the kind of money you can make with put options in megabanks that are going bankrupt.
We have a lot of experience in that area as well. In fact, we were the only ones that publicly named, in advance, nearly all major investment and commercial banks that subsequently failed or required a bailout.
That includes the giant Bear Stearns, which we named as a candidate for failure 102 days before it went under …
It includes the massive Lehman Brothers failure, which we predicted 182 ahead of time …
And it also includes the giant debacles at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which we forecast over one year ahead of time.
Until just a few days ago, most Wall Street gurus would swear on a stack of bibles that those kinds of failures could never happen again. Now they’re not so sure.
They’re finally beginning to recognize the truth in what we’ve been saying — that some of the most “respected” banks in the world have taken huge risks in highly leveraged corporate loans.
And now those chickens are about to come home to roost, driving their shares to the floor and sending the value of their put options into the stratosphere.
We see similar profit opportunities buying put options in a short list of big companies that currently get a Weiss Stock Rating of D+ or lower. Among S&P 100 companies, the list includes Allergen, Altria, Boeing, Dow Inc., DuPont, FedEx, Ford, GE, Kraft Heinz, Occidental Petroleum, and Schlumberger.
In the S&P 500, there are 45 companies in the same category. And in the Wilshire 5,000, there are thousands.
We’re especially worried about companies that have issued big amounts of short-term IOUs (commercial paper).
On Sunday, March 15, the day before the Black Monday when the Dow plunged 2,997 points, many of these companies were already having serious difficulties rolling over their maturing short-term IOUs. If that continues, they could soon default on their obligations and sink into instant bankruptcy.
And never forget: When companies are going bankrupt, their stock falls to zero. That’s terrible for average investors. But for put option investors, it can transform a small grubstake into the equivalent of million-dollar diamonds.
THIRD — call options. As you know, while put options surge when stocks fall, call options surge when stocks rise. And down the road, once the worst is over, the profit opportunities on the other side of this crisis could be equally great using call options.
The market WILL eventually recover. And on the way down, there will be several explosive rallies.
Imagine what will happen when the coronavirus infection rate plunges, everyone starts going back to work, and hundreds of millions of Americans begin spending again.
You’ll be able to buy call options on solid companies whose stocks have been beaten to a pulp strictly because of the pandemic. And you should see more explosive rallies. Then, when the financial crisis is truly over, the opportunities with call options will be even greater.
FOURTH — timing.
You get our recommendations precisely when — and only when — we see a MAJOR, first‑rate opportunity for you. We believe that when an opportunity pops, you have to grab it then and there. That’s why this service does not conform to a regular publication schedule. The market doesn’t open up opportunities according to any calendar. You could go for a couple of weeks before you get another recommendation, and then we may send you two or three recommendations in a single day.
Listen, my friend, this crisis is not waiting for you. Right now, some people still think Fed Chairman Powell will save the day. But that’s a pipedream. There’s no amount of money-printing in the world that can cure a pandemic. Nor can it undo a decade of extreme risk-taking.
The thing is, to take advantage of the next crash day, you have to have your options in place, sitting there BEFORE the next decline hits.
Don’t expect to wake up one warning and think: “Oh. Martin and Tony were right. The market IS crashing again. Let me jump on board now.” By then, it will be too late.
Here’s my promise to you …
At this very early stage of the crisis, no one can say for sure how long it will last, how far the stock market will fall, or how many banks and big companies will go bankrupt.
Plus, it’s far too soon to say when a true recovery will begin, how strong it will be, and how quickly stocks will bounce back. But I can say one thing with certainty: This crisis is so rich with opportunities for option investors, the potential for profits is far greater than anything I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.
As we’ve seen, in just the three first crash days of March, you could have made average gains of 486%, 673%, and 718%.
So here’s my promise to you: If, after your first year, you cannot make at least ten times your money by following the trading recommendations in our Stock Options Hotline, let us know, and we will give you a second year free, worth $5,000. That’s like a $5,000 credit to your account!
But I want to warn you, there are three very logical and necessary conditions to this offer.
First, this offer is limited to strictly our V.I.P. subscribers, based on their history with Weiss Ratings and our related services.
Second, it is strictly limited time-wise. If you do not respond with this grand finale of our three-part emergency series, you could be very disappointed.
Third, we have allocated a total of 1,000 memberships. Total. Then, once the 1,000 slots are gone, that’s it.
The last time we offered a service like this in a crisis environment, we also limited it to 1,000 members paying $5,000 each. It sold out in seven days. We even had to return checks that came in the mail. And back then, we had only 30,000 readers who received the offer.
This time, we have over 100,000. And we fully expect that more than 2% will want to subscribe to our Stock Options Hotline. So all 1,000 slots will be sold out very soon.
Once these are gone, that’s it. Unless you want to be placed on a waiting list, it will be impossible to join. With the market already crashing and more crashes on the way, I don’t want to disappoint you.
If you want to become a member, it’s critical that you send your annual fee in now, before we run out of the available slots. To make sure, I suggest you pick up the phone and call us toll-free at 1-877-934-7778.
And if our phone lines are backed up due to a surge in demand, just click here to sign up instantly online.
I know that, even with everything going on today, the vast majority of Americans will fail to heed my warnings and fail to get ready for the next phase of this crisis.
But I sincerely hope, for you and your family’s sake, that you’re not one of them. The precautions required to weather this storm are not difficult. And even if the storm turns out to be less severe than we fear, the worst that’ll happen is that you’ll sleep better at night and have the potential to make a lot of money in the process.
For a very limited time only, the price of the Weiss Ratings’ Stock Options Hotline is only $2,500 per year. That’s a savings of $2,500 right off the bat. Just fill out the form below.