Safe Money Report!

Market Volatility is Soaring!

The Dow is Experiencing 800+ Point Swings!

The Nasdaq Just Saw Its Worst Month Since 2008!

Only a minority of investors will survive intact. BUT some will actually
build their wealth in the process. Will you be one of them?

My name is Mike Larson, and besides seeing my name appear in your inbox just now, you may not be familiar with what I do. And more important, what I could do for you. So allow me to introduce myself.

As editor of Safe Money Report, I’m the analyst who accurately warned of the housing bust, debt crisis and Great Recession more than one year in advance …

I take my role as editor very seriously and I have three important missions:

My first mission is to help you shield your wealth against major market reversals by identifying major dangers on the horizon:

In the late 1990s, for instance, Safe Money Report was a voice crying in the wilderness, warning that the tech stock bubble was about to burst and urging investors to take their profits and get to safety.

Anyone who heeded that warning could have done much more than just escape with their profits intact. They could have used the crash that followed to pile up profits of 58.7% … 138.5% … 171.7% … up to 240.6% with investment vehicles that soar when stocks sink.

In the mid-2000s, I was the first to warn everyone — investors, homeowners and even the U.S. Congress — that a massive crash in real estate would soon crush the U.S. economy.

Millions have seen me and our team of financial experts on CNBC, CNN and NBC News or in The New York Times or Wall Street Journal.

Once again, if you had heeded that warning, you wouldn’t have had to lose a penny in the crash that followed. And you could have raked in profits of 82.1% … 103.4% … up to 278% in simple investments that rise when stocks fall.

My second mission is to help you avoid losses by identifying stocks that are simply too risky for you.

I use the Weiss Stock Ratings to warn you away from the riskiest stocks. Our ratings are not based on opinion. They are based exclusively on 100% objective DATA.

As Esquire magazine wrote, the Weiss Ratings are the only ones issued with no conflicts of interest. And as the Wall Street Journal reported, they outperformed all other stock ratings.

And my third mission is to introduce you to the small handful of cream-of-the-crop stocks and ETFs that have beat the S&P 500 FIVE to one since 2007, in good times and bad.

I give you the investments that most likely leave other investors in the dust while zealously guarding your principal.

With the Weiss Stock Ratings, I make sure you get ONLY the cream of the crop: The best of the best!

Safe Money Report also has the distinction of accurately warning our readers of every major economic crisis and market decline over the past 47 years:

Far in advance, we warned investors about …

  • The S&L crisis of the 80s …
  • The failure of our nation’s major life insurers in the early 90s …
  • The dot-com crash of 1999 …
  • The housing bust and credit collapse of 2007-2008 …

And more.

“The information you provided regarding the real estate and financial meltdown was invaluable! Your ratings on the companies in trouble helped me to make about 200% in a period of 2 to 3 months.

Michael T., Moscow, Idaho

These are the kinds of warnings that could have made you richer even as the average S&P 500 stock tanked between 2007 and 2009.

Even while other investors lost their shirts, those who owned the types of investments I typically like to recommend could have grabbed big profits.

This is more than just helping you keep your money safe; it’s also about helping you make money when the going gets tough.

That’s why I’m doing something I’ve NEVER done before … offering you the absolute lowest price you will ever see, guaranteed …

“We started about eight years ago. Our money is growing, and we sleep a lot easier knowing our investments are safer.”

Gerald C., Savannah, Georgia

Get Safe Money Report for just $9.97

Normally, a we offer yearly subscriptions for $228. But for a limited time ONLY — you can join me in Safe Money Report for a full 90 days, for just $9.97.

And since I’m committed to you joining the Safe Money Report family for good, I’m going to get in touch with you when your trial period is about to end. I won’t let your subscription expire and leave you hanging when you go to check out my most recent issue. And I won’t take it upon myself to charge your credit card for the retail amount.

I will make sure I have a special, discounted rate prepared in advance and send you a personal email with the details of how you can take advantage of it.

That way, you’re set up to keep receiving my briefings and market analysis. Or, if you find I’m not a good fit for what you need in this chaotic market environment, no problem! You owe nothing further.

Basically, I’m putting you in the driver’s seat.

Everything you need to safely grow your wealth today.

In each issue of Safe Money Report, you get …

  • A comprehensive Monthly Market Overview — Full of detailed, hard-hitting analysis about what’s driving the stock market overall, and dividend-paying investments in particular
  • My “Bedrock Income Portfolio” — “Best of the Best” Investments that pass a rigorous, five-step culling process. Not only do they offer some of the best yields available, but they also sport the strongest fundamentals among the more than 13,400 stocks Weiss Ratings tracks!
  • My “Dynamic Income Portfolio” — Stocks and other investments that yield 4X or more than the S&P 500. These investments can turbocharge the income your portfolio spins off, without adding wildly excessive risk!

And …

  • Flash Alerts when fast-breaking events need your immediate attention. I let you know RIGHT AWAY if any of the recommendations I’ve made need your immediate attention. You can rest easy, knowing I’m watching the model portfolio like a hawk, so you don’t have to, and …
  • Q&A webinars as needed where I address current market developments. This is critical information you need to arm yourself with, to see the emerging trends that could affect your portfolio in the future — and chart out your plan of attack to ensure you come out on top.
  • A BONUS! Access to our DAILY online newsletter, Weiss Ratings Daily Briefing. This is my way of making sure you’re up to date on each day’s new developments, threats and opportunities. Not just from me but from our various other Weiss analysts.

Just agree to check out my Safe Money Report for yourself

“I made approximately a $31,000 profit on the first two transactions. Needless to say, I was delighted.”

-Stuart U., Switzerland

My only question now is this: Will you take advantage of this limited-time-only gift?

I sincerely hope you join me in this special offer, which I’m making available only to members of our special Weiss family.

Do not delay — every day you sit on the sidelines is a day you may be missing out on a level of wealth and prosperity that would make even King Solomon green with envy.

To get started, please fill out the membership activation form below…

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