•   39x better yield on some of your savings
  •   30x hedge fund returns on risk investments
  •   Large profits on your speculative funds

Dear Investor,

I know of only one place in the world today where you go for yields 39x better than money market accounts — without exposing your principal to sharp price declines in the market.

Only one place where you can immediately put your risk investments to work for you, earning 30x the average returns of hedge funds.

And for speculative funds you can afford to lose, there’s only one place where the bull market delivered quite a few extreme examples of large percentage gains, including …

  • 1,381% in 12 months
  • 2,294%, also in 12 months
  • 65,586% in 11 months, and
  • 103,924% in just 10 months.

I’m talking about the world of decentralized finance, or DeFi for short, which continues to thrive despite turbulence in the broader crypto universe.

The DeFi world is not hard to navigate. But you can’t just snap your fingers and walk in. It’s new. It’s different. And it takes some learning.

That’s where I come in.

I’m Chris Coney, founder of Cryptoversity plus a close partner with Weiss Ratings.

And today, I’m delighted to welcome you to our brand-new DeFi MasterClass for 2024, where you’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to achieve three basic goals:

  • For some of your savings: 9% annual yield or more on stablecoin deposits. That’s 39x times the average yield available on U.S. bank money market accounts.
  • For your risk investments: 44% annual returns or more. That’s about 30 times the average annual yield of the top 50 hedge funds in first half of 2022.
  • On speculative funds you can afford to lose: DeFi coins with the potential to deliver large gains. In the last bull market, we saw extreme examples of coins that soared 65,586% (or even more) in 11 months.

(To join now, go here.)

My 2024 DeFi MasterClass includes 50 quick-and-easy videos that walk you through each step painlessly. I give you on-screen demos of …

  • How to set up your DeFi wallet and transfer funds.
  • Automated portfolio tracking to monitor your positions.
  • My proprietary strategy for earning annual yields of 44% or more in current market conditions, with live examples.
  • How to promptly withdraw your money from the DeFi markets whenever you wish.
  • How to deal with black swan events in the DeFi markets should any occur again sometime in the future.
  • Advanced strategies designed to multiply gains even further.
  • How to save hundreds of dollars on transactions fees with my “Supercharged DeFi” module. This alone could make a significant difference in any portfolio.
  • Guidance on basic DeFi and crypto concepts like blockchains, smart contracts, private keys and mining.
  • Plus, much more.

Each of my 50 training videos is only about 5 to 7 minutes long.

You could run through them in a single weekend and be ready to start in just a few days. Or you could take as much time as you wish.

But you don’t have to finish my MasterClass modules to start earning the high yields.

In fact, you can jump into your first high-yield opportunity immediately, even before watching Module 1, Session 1.

That’s because, as a free bonus for joining today, I also give you a complete package of five special reports, including my quick-start guide to turbocharge your stablecoin yields right away.

Overall, I think the benefits are enormous:

Benefit #1. ACCESS to my 2024 DeFi MasterClass, including five training modules of 50 short videos. I walk you through each step quickly and easily to go for the higher yields and bigger profits that I believe only DeFi can offer.

Benefit #2. An immediate head start for supercharging savings with my special “Stablecoin Mega Yields” report.

Benefit #3. Four more bonus reports, each introducing a new DeFi blue-chip opportunity:

DeFi Superstar #1: The Great DeFi Money Saver

DeFi Superstar #2: The NASDAQ of DeFi

DeFi Superstar #3: The Key DeFi Infrastructure Coin of the Future

DeFi Superstar #4: The Battle-Tested DeFi Blue-Chip for 2024

Benefit #4. Our continuing guidance.

You get a free one-year membership in Weiss Crypto Investor — 12 monthly issues of the best DeFi research and investment recommendations from the Weiss Ratings team. And if you already subscribe to Weiss Crypto Investor, all the better! You’ll get a FULL YEAR beyond your current expiration date, also for FREE — a savings of $129 from the usual renewal cost.

Benefit #5. A huge discount when you join today!

Considering the depth of research and the unusual opportunities it provides, the Weiss Ratings team and I discussed pricing a lifetime membership in my 2024 DeFi MasterClass at $9,950 for sophisticated investors.

But we decided instead to make it very easy to understand, available to all investors and at a much more accessible price of $995.

Plus, for this special offer only, it’s available at a $700 discount, bringing the total cost down to just $297 for one year, including all the extras.

Here’s how you get 2024 DeFi MasterClass plus all the EXTRA benefits and SAVE $1,222

Retail Value Your Cost
2024 DeFi MasterClass (Permanent Access) $995 $297
One Year of Weiss Crypto Investor 129 0
Stablecoin Mega Yields Report 79 0
DeFi Superstar #1: The Great DeFi Money Saver 79 0
DeFi Superstar #2: The NASDAQ of DeFi 79 0
DeFi Superstar #3: The Key DeFi Infrastructure Coin of the Future 79 0
DeFi Superstar #4: The Battle-Tested DeFi Blue-Chip for 2024 79 0
Total: $1,519 $297
YOU SAVE: $1,222

These very timely resources will be sold separately for a total of $1,519.

But when you join me today, you get the entire package for just $297.

That’s a total savings of $1,222.

Benefit #6 is my promise to you: If, at any time in the next year you’re dissatisfied for any reason whatsoever, let us know, and we will give you a full credit on every penny you’ve paid.

That way you could apply your $297 to the wide range of other Weiss Ratings products and services in any asset class or sector.

To join now, simply fill out the information below.

Or call us at 877-934-7778, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern.

Best wishes,

Chris Coney
Founder of Cryptoversity
Creator of DeFi MasterClass

(Scroll up for more details)

2024 DeFi MasterClass

  • 50 quick and easy videos ($995 value)
  • Weiss Crypto Investor ($129 value)
  • 5 DeFi bonus reports ($395 value)
Total value: $1,519 You pay only: $297

Enter your information below or call 877-934-7778

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Having problems placing your order? Please call us for help at 1-877-934-7778 or +1-561-627-3300 from overseas, Mon-Fri, 9:00-5:30 Eastern.

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