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  • BONUS Report #2: The #1 Chip Stock of 2023
  • BONUS Report #3: My Top Four AI Stocks
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If you’re afraid you missed out on the AI boom, I’ve got news for you.

My research is telling me it’s not over yet.

And the biggest AI winners could be just across the horizon.

That’s why I encourage you to sign up for Wealth Megatrends today, so you don’t miss out on the next wave of AI stocks.

And by signing up today, you’ll also get 50% OFF the regular retail price for one year of Wealth Megatrends.

This is the best price we’ve ever offered for these resources. And it may not last long.

If you’d like to claim your discount and your bonus AI stock reports, please review the information below and fill out our simple order form to sign up.

Here’s everything you’ll receive:

Wealth Megatrends


50% OFF One Full Year of Sean Brodrick’s Wealth Megatrends

On the fourth Friday of every month, you’ll get a new issue of Wealth Megatrends with a brand-new recommendation from Sean. We’ll show you how to play the biggest trends hitting the market, like 5G, EVs, artificial intelligence and the downfall of China. And we only select what we consider to be the very best, dividend paying stocks.



How AI Will Transform the $7 Trillion Oil Industry

I’ll share the names of four companies who are using AI to transform the oil industry. From finding more oil during the discovery phase, to controlling offshore platforms for maximum production, AI is quickly turning the oil and gas industry on its head. And these four stocks could lead the next wave of the AI boom.



The #1 Chip Stock of 2023

Advanced microchips are essential to the advancement of AI. And demand is through the roof. In this report, I’ll give you two microchips I believe every tech investor should own. Plus, I’ll tell you the ideal time – and price – to get into chip superstar Nvidia.



My Top 4 AI Stocks

These four stocks complete my AI Next Wave recommendations, and they include a promising data and cloud computing company, a chip design specialist and two other unique AI companies that I believe have massive upside.

Flash Alerts


24-7 Flash Alerts

Any time there are critical time sensitive opportunities, massive swings in the market or any news on our recommendations, we’ll get that information to you as soon as possible. I won’t leave you hanging with just one issue a month. My analysts and I will keep you in the loop on all of the market news.

Weiss Ratings Daily


Weiss Ratings Daily E-Letter

Another way to stay up to date on the latest from all of our analysts at Weiss Ratings is through our 5-times a week e-letter. We’ll cover all the day’s headlines from an alternative investing perspective. We’re not just going to regurgitate the same stuff you see on CNN, but give you our twist. Oftentimes, it will be the exact opposite of what the talking heads say.



Confidential, Online Briefings

Every once in a while a story will be too big for just an email or a monthly issue. Instead, I’ll get on video and explain all the details. I’ll even answer your questions, right there. (Please remember, we are legally forbidden from giving individual investment advice.)

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Sean Brodrick

Please, take the next year to try out Wealth Megatrends and see if it’s right for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply call our customer service team and we’ll give you a full refund.

Sean Brodrick
Editor, Wealth Megatrends

Sean Brodrick


Wealth Megatrends

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