Here’s what to do now …


Sean Brodrick

Sean Brodrick here. I’m glad to see you made it to this spot.

There’s a $2 trillion tidal wave of investment flooding into American industry …

Factory construction is at an all-time high …

And every single one of these factories are likely to be powered by the most advanced artificial intelligence systems possible.

We’re at a rare coming together of two huge megatrends … artificial intelligence and the return of American industry.

And all signs indicate that in the next 18 months, great winners in the markets will be crowned … and losers crushed as investment floods out of China and into the U.S.

You Can Get Ahead of Two Megatrends
at Once — Right Now

Fortunately, if you make the right moves now, you will be better positioned for this major disruption than 99% of investors.

Wealth Megatrends has been guiding investors to take advantage of megatrend opportunities for years.

Each and every stock recommendation — including these top picks involving Ai and the rebirth of U.S. industry — are backed by the power of the Weiss Ratings.

The same system we used to predict bank failures before the 2008 meltdown with a stunning 99.8% accuracy.

The same system that the Wall Street Journal reported has outperformed the ratings issued by Merrill Lynch … JPMorgan Chase … Deutsche Bank and every other research organization covered.

Since 2004, the average gain for stocks we upgraded to a “Buy” rating has been 794%. That’s the average.

And some of our biggest winners included stocks like Nvidia, up 14,252% since we issued our “Buy” rating …

And Apple, up 32,571%, multiplying an initial investment by 67x.

With these two new megatrends unfolding now, and with the help of this powerful tool, I’m looking for ways to capitalize on these events.

That’s another reason why now is the ideal time to take advantage of my offer.

Seize This Historic Opportunity

To take advantage of what could be a once-in-a-generation opportunity, you must know what steps to take.

That’s why I’ve arranged for you to receive all the benefits you just learned about.

Benefit #1

Three extremely timely investor reports you can access instantly today.


AI and the Return of the American Factory: How to Profit from Two Merging Megatrends (sold separately for $99 each)

This new report reveals my top 3 AI stocks that I believe will help power the return of U.S. industry. That includes:

  • The top-dog Semiconductor stock for U.S. industry, AI & More
  • My Industrial Robotics Powerhouse Stock
  • The giant with 100-year track record of success that could be set to dominate automation services.

I’m confident that just knowing about these three stocks alone would put you ahead of 90% of investors. But there’s much more …


3 More Red-Hot Stocks for the Reindustrialization of America (sold separately for $99)

This second investor report includes 3 more specialized picks that I believe will become leaders in specific niches of this new Golden Era for U.S. Industry:

  • The industrial apparel firm whose products could soon be on every construction site in America. With factory building at record highs, this is not one to miss!
  • The company behind the ingenious “micro grid” tech that could help keep America safe, and help Elon Musk make his dream of EVs for all Americans a reality!
  • Wish you could collect rent from billionaires? With this stock, investors can! This little-known REIT collects rent payments from some of the world’s biggest brands like Amazon, FedEx and more. With warehouse construction up 1,400%, all signs point to this stock taking off like a rocket.

The Key “Picks & Shovels” Stocks for the Rebirth of U.S. Industry (sold separately for $99)

In the Gold Rush, those who made the most money weren’t the miners and speculators … It was the vendors who sold the materials — the literal picks and shovels — to others who were hoping to strike it rich.

And just like the picks and shovels vendors, these next 3 companies are likely to prosper whether or not their customers succeed.

Inside you’ll find details on:

  • The metalworking firm that I believe will benefit the most from industry coming back to America (this one has also typically paid a nice fat dividend!)
  • A little-known company that the energy and manufacturing sectors cannot function without. This is a “sleeping giant” that I predict investors will be happy they heard about early!
  • So many technologies, from EVs to industrial robotics to smartphones and more … they ALL depend on lithium … and this overlooked company is sitting on two of the largest lithium deposits in the Western Hemisphere!

Plus, by joining me today, you’ll also get:

Benefit #2

A full year of my monthly newsletter, Wealth Megatrends(normally $129)


With each issue you’ll learn …

  • Which sectors of the market I believe will benefit the most from Megatrends unfolding today.
  • Which sectors to zero in on so you can potentially look back upon this day as the time when your nest egg began to grow, grow and grow.
  • Proactive steps you can take to protect your wealth from the waves of disruption.

From my decades of experience, I can assure you there is always a way to win and get wealthier no matter what the markets may be doing.

Our mission is to help investors like you find that way.

Benefit #3

Weiss Ratings Daily E-Letter

Weiss Ratings Daily

Each morning, check your inbox for the latest market news and insights from me and my colleagues at Weiss Ratings.

Whether it’s new technologies and trends in the market, protecting your wealth from inflation and geopolitical events, Weiss Ratings Daily provides you with the situational awareness you need to be prepared for anything.

All independent, unbiased and accurate. All grounded in our ratings of 53,000+ companies and investments. All to help grow your wealth in good times and bad.

Benefit #4

One year of premium access to 53,000+ Weiss ratings (sold separate for $228)


  • Use our Weiss ratings to check the safety of your bank or credit union. These are the ratings that warned in advance about the bank failures of the Great Financial Crisis with 99.8% accuracy.
  • Use our Weiss ratings on 3,600 insurance companies to check the safety of your insurer. These are the ratings that, according to a study by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, were three times more accurate than those of the nation’s “leading” insurance rating agency.
  • Use our Weiss ratings on over 10,000 stocks, ETFs and mutual funds to decide which investments to buy, sell or hold — and when.
  • Use our Weiss ratings on over 1,000 digital assets to avoid the garbage and invest exclusively in the best of the best.
  • Create an unlimited number of watchlists. As soon as there’s a downgrade or upgrade, you will get an alert via email, SMS or Telegram.

Benefit #5

Online Briefings

Exclusive Invitation to my Members-Only Online Briefings (not sold separately)

For really important events, members will receive an invitation to my confidential online briefings where I’ll answer questions live on the air and share my predictions for what the next quarter holds for investors.

Benefit #6

Flash Alerts

Exclusive, Members-Only “Flash Alerts” (not sold separately)

The markets move fast, and investors can’t always know ahead of time what actions to take. Members-only Flash Alerts provide you with up-to-the-minute intelligence on great “buy” opportunities, dangers in the market and when it’s time to exit a position.

Get Everything for Just $49

That’s right. Bought separately, everything included in your Wealth Megatrends membership would cost $654.

However, when you claim your membership today, you won’t have to invest anything close to that.

You can get everything for just $49.

Once you do, you’ll be emailed a special link to access all your reports. You’ll get immediate access to my ratings lists, too.

Then, as they are published, you’ll receive your copies of each and every Wealth Megatrends newsletter.

I’m also making sure you are completely satisfied with everything you receive. That’s why …

I’m Offering a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee


I am giving you a full year to review everything you get in your entire Wealth Megatrends membership package …

You will have 365 days to dive into the four special reports you can download today … the 12 Wealth Megatrends issues you’ll receive … the 53,000 Weiss ratings you can access 24/7 for the year … the 365 daily updates you receive … and much, much more.

If you’re not happy, for any reason, with your membership, simply contact my Member Care Team, and you’ll receive a prompt refund for every penny.

50 Years of Accuracy

What about all the special reports and issues you’ve received by then? They’re yours to keep no matter what.

I’m comfortable taking all the risk because I’m sure you’re going to be thrilled with what you receive.

To get started, simply fill out the secure order form below. Once you do, you’ll receive an email confirming your order.

It will include our contact information in case you have any questions. You’ll also receive an email with your special download link and access to our ratings.

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