Dear Reader,
If you’re like me, you’ve not only seen the rising inflation rate …
… you’ve felt its impact on your wallet!
Everything is getting more expensive.
And this terrifying trend shows no signs of slowing.
With ongoing supply-chain issues, shortages, bare shelves, a labor crisis, geopolitical tensions, war, and anaemic economic growth here in the US … things are going to get worse. A lot worse.
Yet the government doesn’t seem to care, the White House even claimed inflation is a “good thing.” And their hare-brained plan isn’t to solve the underlying issues … it’s to spend their way out of it.
The markets know this isn’t going to end well …
Investors have jitters. They’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.
When it inevitably does, my research indicates it will be pandemonium and could usher in an economic catastrophe the likes of which we’ve not seen in years.
That’s why it’s absolutely critical that you take defensive steps immediately to safeguard your wealth from this looming Great Money Nightmare, before it’s too late.
Then, once you’ve secured your finances and have your family protected, it’s time to turn this inflationary chaos to your advantage with a handful of smart money moves that could make you a not-so-small fortune in the months ahead.
Unfortunately, most investors have no idea how to turn the Great Money Nightmare into big profits. Which is why I’ve put together a brand-new blueprint for you … it’s called The Inflation Survival Guide.
And it’s yours today – for FREE – when you accept this risk-free trial to my private research service, Wealth Megatrends.
10 Wealth-Building Benefits You’ll Get When You Begin Your
Risk-Free Trial to Wealth Megatrends
Benefit #1: FREE Report – The Inflation Survival Guide ($79 Value)
In this urgent special report, you’ll get my step-by-step blueprint on how to safeguard your wealth and retirement from the ravages of inflation and the economic crisis it is ushering in.
You’ll also learn how to turn the imminent Great Money Nightmare to your advantage with SEVEN little-known investment opportunities that I believe are poised to surge in the months ahead.
Plus, I name the investments I think you should SELL immediately. These are popular stocks that may look great on the surface, but which our ratings have flagged as highly vulnerable to today’s chaotic market.
Benefit #2: FREE Report – The 12 Inflation-Beating Stocks for the Next 12 Months ($79 Value)
Trying to analyze stocks in today’s chaotic market can feel like gazing into a Magic 8 ball, and even many professional investors feel lost trying to navigate this new inflationary environment.
That’s why we put our proprietary Weiss Ratings on the case and analyzed practically every stock on the markets to uncover the healthiest in the world.
Inside this bonus report you’ll get the names of these 12 stocks for preserving and growing your wealth during the Great Money Nightmare.
Benefit #3: FREE Report – Bloodbath in Bonds ($79 Value)
If you have any money in federal, state, county or municipal bonds, you need to read this special report now! Because inflation could transform one of the world’s safest investments into one of the riskiest!
Inside this free report you’ll get all the details, including our insights on what to do with your money before this bloodbath hits.
Benefit #4: FREE Report – The New Precious Metals ($79 Value)
As inflation continues to ravage the markets, owning gold is a smart move.
However, if you only own gold or silver, you’re potentially leaving a small fortune on the table. Inside this bonus report I reveal 17 lesser-known resources that could be even more profitable in the coming chaos.
This special report names the most promising among these “new precious metals”, along with the stocks that we think will benefit the most.
Benefit #5: 12 Issues of Wealth Megatrends ($129 Value)
Wealth Megatrends is focused on identifying the major economic trends unfolding in the markets. Trends that can either make you staggeringly wealthy or destroy your financial future.
Over the last several years we’ve helped our readers prepare for and profit from major shifts in global, sustained and macroeconomic forces … forces that can reshape industries, markets, economies and whole societies.
As a member to Wealth Megatrends, you’ll get a hot-off-the-press issue delivered to your inbox monthly so you’re always on top of the major trends shaping our world, and on the cutting edge of how to profit from these trends.
Benefit #6: Weekly Wealth Wave Newsletter
In addition to your in-depth monthly Megatrends newsletter, you’ll also get a weekly e-letter with new investment opportunities (and timely warnings) to take advantage of today’s out of control inflation.
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We’ve sold standard memberships to newsletters like Wealth Megatrends in the past for $129 per year or more.

Take advantage of today’s special offer, however, and you’ll get an entire year’s membership PLUS four bonus reports worth $316 (TOTAL VALUE: $445) for as little as $39. That’s a colossal saving of up to $406.
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Benefit #10: Risk NOTHING With Our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee
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That’s more than a half century of researching, analyzing and rating stocks for some of the most sophisticated investors in the world. So, when we make a guarantee, you know we’ll stand behind it.
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My research tells me that the Great Money Nightmare is coming, and there’s no escaping it.
But the good news is you don’t have to sit idly by while it wipes you out.
By taking a few simple steps today, you can protect and grow your wealth – even as inflation savages and eventually crashes the markets.
While other investors are caught off guard and watch decades of hard work go up in smoke, you’ll not only know your wealth is protected … you’ll also have the potential to watch your portfolio grow … all thanks to the information revealed in Wealth Megatrends.
And all it takes is one easy step …
Just accept today’s risk-free trial while it’s still available.
Simply choose the membership level that’s best for you and I’ll see you on the inside.