- Timing signals to beat Bitcoin 14 to one
- Even MORE profit potential with other highest-rated cryptocurrencies
- One-on-one support ($10,000 value) — FREE
- One-time-only 59% discount: Instead of the regular $7,000 yearly membership, you pay only $2,850.
- Make 10-fold gains, or get your second year FREE
To join now, jump to our handy order form here.
Dear Investor,
In 74 years of my life, I’ve seen booms and busts, hyperinflation and deflation, military coups, civil wars and social revolutions, plus sweeping technological revolutions.
But I have never seen anything like THIS.
It’s the greatest money revolution — and the single greatest profit opportunity — the world has seen in centuries past, or WILL probably see in centuries to come.
Here’s what I’m talking about …
Imagine a completely new, previously unimaginable future — a global financial market without banks, without bank fees, brokers, middlemen, clearing houses, even without central banks themselves!
Imagine a world where every transaction is directly between the seller and the buyer — completely secure, private and beyond the reach of any government money printing.
We’re talking about a new global financial structure that’s starting to challenge the entire $200 trillion global financial marketplace!
And you, dear reader, have the opportunity to profit immensely from its rapid growth starting right now, even as the traditional economy and markets continues gasping for air.
To just give you one example …
On July 18 of 2020, a small group of people bought an investment that has suddenly jumped into the forefront of this money revolution.
Back then, they paid $34.53 for it.
Can you imagine what it was worth 44 days later on August 31?
Which means if they invested $1,000, they could have transformed it into $1.1 million. That’s a gain of more than 100,000% — in just 44 days!
Of course, not every asset in this revolution will surge this much. In all likelihood, something like this may NEVER happen again.
But this example clearly shows you the potential for rapid gains in the Greatest Money Revolution of All Time.
This great money revolution is reshaping the entire financial sector. And it is now driving up the demand for select cryptos like never before.
Why should you join
Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio now?
Now, here are the keys to maximizing your gains in The Greatest Money Revolution of All Time:
- Our world-famous Weiss Crypto Ratings tell you WHAT to buy
- Our just-released Crypto Timing Model tells you WHEN to buy — and sell.
And the Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio, which combines the two, is specifically designed so that anyone can ride the new, more dynamic phase in the crypto bull market. And profit from what’s likely to be one of the greatest wealth-building opportunities of this century.
3 things you’ll absolutely love about this opportunity …
You only need a small grubstake to get started.
You could profit very FAST. The crypto market often delivers triple- and quadruple-digit gains within just a few months or even weeks.
And you don’t need to do any hard work. My team and I are doing all the grunt work for you so that you can spend your time doing the things you love.
So don’t let this opportunity go.
Here’s a quick summary of all the benefits once again …
VIP Benefit #1. You get the Bitcoin timing model which could have turned
- $10,000 into $532,000 in less than two years, and
- $1,000 into nearly $1.5 billion in less than ten years. (Since Bitcoin is now a much more mature asset today, don’t expect to make THAT much money in the current cycle. But even a tiny fraction of $1.5 billion would amount to a substantial fortune.)
VIP Benefit #2. You get even more profit potential — with other cryptocurrencies that merit the highest Weiss Crypto Ratings and are rising 3x and 10x more than Bitcoin.
VIP Benefit #3. You get protection against downside risk — by avoiding cryptos with low Weiss Ratings. Due to their volatility, cryptocurrencies are a high-risk asset overall. So avoiding the weakest and most illiquid is critical.
VIP Benefit #4. You get one-on-one tech support. We cannot give you investment advice tailored to your needs. But we do provide as much help as you need to open a cryptocurrency account and answer any questions you may have about the recommended trades. This service alone can cost as much as $10,000 elsewhere. But with your membership in Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio, it’s yours — FREE.
VIP Benefit #5. You get premium access to all of our Weiss Crypto Ratings. That includes a list of all ratings (including latest upgrades and downgrades) delivered to your inbox in advance of the general public. Countless investors have paid $468 per year for this service. But as a member, you get it as a free EXTRA bonus.
VIP Benefit #6. You get one full year of our signals — what to buy, when to buy and when to sell. Plus, with each trade alert, we tell you where the market is likely to go and why.
VIP Benefit #7. You get a huge 59% discount. Normally, one year of Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio is $7,000. And considering the profit potential, it’s a bargain at the price. However, as part of this one-time-only offer, we have slashed your cost by a whopping 59%! Your total, all-in price for all of these benefits (and more) is just $2,850 for a full year. You save $4,150!
VIP Benefit #8. You get to lock in this huge 59% discount for as long as you wish. When you renew, you get the privilege of saving $4,150 every year. We will notify you ahead of time when it’s time to renew, and unless you tell us not to, we will charge your credit card, giving you the same 59% discount. This way, you do not risk missing trade alerts. Plus, you can opt out of this renewal benefit any time.
VIP Benefit #9. You get my promise — that you will make 10-fold gains within your first year. If not, I will give you a second year. That’s a $7,000 value, absolutely FREE.
To take advantage of this offer, all you’ve got to do is enter your details below or call our toll free number at 1-877-934-7778.
Right now you can still secure one of the very few spots available inside Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio.
But, you must act now. History shows us if you do not act fast, you could miss your one chance at turning small grubstakes into hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars.
So, if you’re ready to ride the next cryptocurrency superboom as the entire financial sector goes through a massive overhaul, and make some of the greatest profits of this century, enter your details below now.
Good luck and God bless!

Martin D. Weiss, PhD
Founder, Weiss Crypto Ratings
Want to review the benefits and cost before entering your order? Then click here.