Big Enrollment Savings!
Dear Subscriber,

As a powerful new 5-year supercycle begins, we have what we consider to be the ideal solution for investors:
Our Supercycle Investor service, designed to help you accomplish two very important objectives:
Objective #1: To protect every dollar you have saved and invested right now; so you can get through this with your wealth and financial security intact, and …
Objective #2: To help you harness the awesome power of this great crisis to grow even richer; by going for windfall profits in each phase.
For starters — as soon as you join — you get …
- The Supercycle Investor Quick-Start Guide with everything you need to get the most out of your new membership — and to begin seizing supercycle profit opportunities right away.

- Unrestricted 24/7 access to the Supercycle Investor website where you can review all our issues, all our recommendations and view all our online video briefings any time you like.

- The Supercycle Email Hotline for quick answers to any questions you have about your membership or any recommendation we give you.
And you get so much more …

You get Urgent Trading Alerts INSTANTLY whenever it’s time for you to make a move. And what makes Supercycle Investor so unique is the fact that Sean is not shy about recommending virtually ANY instruments. Although his focus is stocks and ETFs, he feels the power — and relative inevitability — of the events we see ahead also justify the judicious use of options and inverse ETFs. You get it ALL in his Supercycle Investor.
Once you decide that the trade is right for you. You will have all the information you need on what to buy, why to buy it, when to buy it, how much to pay and how much money we think you stand to make on the trade.
And whether it’s an individual stock, a garden-variety ETF, an inverse ETF, a leveraged ETF or an option on an ETF, Sean gives you everything you need in plain English.
You’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to make the trade online or on the phone with your broker. If you want, you could simply call your broker and read the Trading Alert aloud on the phone.
Ditto for when it’s time to sell. Sean will make sure you have everything you need to make the trade quickly, easily and with confidence.
THE BOTTOM LINE: We will never leave you hanging. You will never be left wondering what you should do. If you can read an alert and dial the phone (or make trades online), all the profits this opportunity offers you are within your grasp!
- You get regular updates in weekly issues of Supercycle Investor.

Each issue of this weekly letter will keep you up to date on every investment we own as well as the global developments that are impacting them.
Plus, we’ll also use this forum to answer the questions we’re getting most often by our members.
- You’ll meet with us for online strategy sessions nearly every quarter.

At these hour-long meetings, we’ll show you what we’re seeing in the charts, and you’ll see how actual events on the ground are bearing out our cyclical forecasts.
And you can ask us anything you like about the investments or strategy we recommend as well as our views on breaking events …
Also, we’ll meet for live online emergency summits when warranted.
I am so confident in our forecasts …
So concerned that you protect yourself …
And so eager to help you go for your share of the windfall opportunities that will be available as this supercycle courses through the global economy …
I will gladly pay most of your
membership fee for you.
We have sold thousands of trading services like Supercycle Investor for $3,000 per year or more. But here’s the thing: The cycles driving this crisis say it’s going to be with us for five years — until 2027. And five years times $3,000 per year is $15,000.
That’s more than fair if you think about it. After all, the first winning options trade alone could deliver a lot more than $15,000.
But frankly, a $15,000 price tag could deprive good people of the recommendations they need to protect themselves and profit.
So, I sharpened my pencil and — for Introductory Members only — I got the annual rate down to just $1,875. Not bad, but five years times $1,875 per year is $9,375 — still beyond the reach of many.
Here’s the thing: With everything that’s happening in the world today, Sean and I have made a firm commitment to help as many of our subscribers as possible, to bend over backwards to make this accessible to our loyal members.
So, after much soul-searching and more pencil-sharpening, here’s what I’ve decided to do:
If you’ll click here and join us for two years now, I will pay for the last three years of your membership. That’s right! I will give you three years for free!
PLUS, I will give you an extra $1,000 off.
Instead of the $3,750 that everyone else will pay for the two years, your cost for the ENTIRE five years is only $2,750!
You SAVE a whopping $12,250!
You not only do you get membership benefits through March of 2027, you also get a huge EXTRA discount.
With these one-time-only discounts, your Supercycle Investor is a mere $1.59 per day (just one- third the price of a gallon of regular gasoline) and you get “Buy” and “Sell” signals designed to multiply your wealth many times over.
But there’s more:
You Must Be Thrilled With the Profit Opportunities, or You Can Get a Full Credit for Any Reason, Anytime.
Click here to join us and I’ll pay for three years of your five-year membership and give you a $1,000 discount on top of that.
Then, just follow our recommendations for the next few weeks, the next few months, even for a full year or more.
In the unlikely event that you decide Supercycle Investor isn’t right for you, just let us know any time and we will promptly give you a full credit on the balance of your membership …
Which you can apply to any new subscription or renewal for any of the 20 services Weiss Ratings offers.
Either our forecasts prove accurate now and you have the opportunity to make a lot of money … or you can cancel and get a credit at any time for any reason.
This Is THE Watershed
Moment of Our Financial Lives.
Our entire life as an investor — and as a student of the economy and the investment markets — has led us to this moment.
We’ve always known that the obscene debts our leaders were amassing were unsustainable.
We always knew that, sooner or later, the end of this great debt cycle would come one day — and that there would be hell to pay.
Now, the same cycles that accurately predicted the Great Depression — and every major economic or investment event since 1929 — are converging to form a powerful new supercycle …
A supercycle that marks the end of the era in which our leaders could amass mountains of debt without suffering the consequences …
And the beginning of a dangerous new era in which we all pay the price for that debt.
As we’ve seen, the facts on the ground have been completely in sync with this forecast. They confirm and validate every warning our cycles research is giving us.
The die is cast. The handwriting is on the wall.
These facts leave us with two choices — and ONLY two:
We can do nothing; knowing full well that as these events unfold, they will likely destroy everything we have worked for.
Or, we can take the needed precautions to protect our wealth — and better yet, harness the awesome power of these events to go for windfall profits with stocks, ETFs, leveraged ETFs, and some options.
We’ve made our choice. We are doing what’s necessary to protect our family’s wealth.
I urge you: Go here to apply for membership now.
Or call us toll-free at 877.934.7778.
Please do not hesitate. These cycles won’t wait for you, me or anybody else. Some of the greatest windfall profit opportunities are occurring right now — before other investors wake up to the facts.
To get your first supercycle recommendations the minute they’re released, just enter your payment information below or call us toll-free at 877.934.7778.