Extremely Limited Period Opportunity
Join Marijuana Millionaire Portfolio At 50% Off
And take advantage of the opportunity to:
- Turn $30,000 into $1.4 million …
- Spin off $20,000 in cash every month …
- Start right away with 3 cannabis
stocks we’ve identified
Dear Reader,
Cannabis stocks have been on a roll in the last few years.
Since 2016, Inmed Pharmaceuticals has gone up by 526%.
Reliq Health Technologies has jumped 1,150%.
THC Therapeutics has skyrocketed 3,237% … and so on!
But the real boom in cannabis stocks has barely begun. And it could be FIVE times more profitable than what we have seen until now.
What’s more, with the help of our proprietary system now, you could sidestep the riskiest cannabis companies …
Turn a moderate $30,000 investment into $1.4 million …
And even spin off $20,000 in spendable cash per month.
Three unstoppable forces are
driving a new tidal wave of capital
into this industry …
Unstoppable Force #1: Breakthrough medical treatments which are saving lives and disrupting big pharma
Cannabis-based drugs are as close to miracle drugs today as penicillin or the polio vaccine were years ago. And scientists are also exploring cannabis-based therapies for Alzheimer’s, arthritis and diabetes.
No wonder cannabis biotech companies are making investors so much money!
Unstoppable Force #2: Full nationwide legalization
Cannabis first became legal in two states in November of 2012. Now, 35 states have legalized cannabis for medical use.
Each time another state makes it legal, millions of consumers turn into new customers, and cannabis stocks soar.
So you can easily imagine what’s going to happen when cannabis becomes legal all across the US.
Unstoppable Force #3: Wall Street is about to rush into cannabis
With the passage of the SAFE Banking Act in the House and with the anticipation of it passing in the Senate as well very soon, Wall Street money could come pouring in shortly …
Potentially leading to a five-fold explosion in buying power … and creating five times more profits for investors.
So in a nutshell, if you’ve been standing on the side lines of the cannabis boom … or even if you’ve pocketed some nice gains so far …
The next wave of life-altering profit opportunities is just ahead.
And with Marijuana Millionaire Portfolio, you’ll be in a position to reap potentially BIG gains in it.
Benefits of joining
Marijuana Millionaire Portfolio today …
Benefit #1: You get the opportunity to turn $30,000 into $1.4 million using our Cannabis Stock Ranking Model. We buy strictly the top-ranked cannabis stocks. When a stock’s ranking falls, we rotate out. When the ranking rises, we rotate in.
Benefit #2: You get buy alerts for the biggest winners. Among cannabis stocks identified as immediate “buys” by our model, InMed Pharmaceuticals rose 526%, Village Farms International rose 535%, Player’s Network soared 786%, Global Hemp Group jumped 953%, Reliq Health Technologies surged 1,150%, Namaste Technologies, soared 1,572%, and THC Therapeutics skyrocketed 3,237%.
Benefit #3: You get the ability to spin off about $20,000 in cash per month. If you had started following our model portfolio with $30,000 in January of 2016, you could have begun withdrawing an average of $19,996 per month in January of 2018. And you still could have built up a total portfolio of $1.4 million.
Benefit #4: You get Sean Brodrick, one of the few who recommended cannabis stocks before they became popular. Sean personally visits the cannabis companies, regularly meets with their officers, and scrutinizes their operations on the ground. Thanks to his careful due diligence, he helped his subscribers bag a long string of triple-digit gains.
Benefit #5: Instantly download our latest lists of the 10 top-ranked and 20 lowest-ranked cannabis stocks.
Benefit #6. You get risk reduction. No illiquid, high-risk cannabis stocks. No fly-by-nights. Strictly stocks that give you the best combination of liquidity, upside potential and reduced downside risk.
Benefit #7. You get clear instructions every Friday. Precisely what to buy, when to buy, how much to pay, and how much to allocate to each in a model portfolio. Just 15 minutes per week is all the time you should need.
Benefit #8. You get “Cannabis Investing on Steroids” — Sean Brodrick’s guide to everything you need to know to get started immediately.
Benefit #9. You get Sean’s virtual tours. Videos of his visits to cannabis companies and interviews with CEOs or founders.
Benefit #10. You get a real, live cannabis portfolio. Weiss Ratings founder Martin Weiss is investing his own money right alongside you, always giving you time to place your trades before he places his … and always posting his statements for you to see.
Benefit #11. You get a $2,500 “instant cash bonus” — to be applied to your yearly membership fee. That way, instead of the $5,000 others will pay to join, Marijuana Millionaire Portfolio is yours for just $2,500 per year. That’s a whopping 50% discount!
Benefit #12. You lock in this extremely low rate. When your subscription is about to expire, we will send you an advance notice, give you the opportunity to respond, and then charge your credit card if you give us the OK to renew. This way you lock in the 50% discount and receive another $2,500 “instant cash bonus” every year that you renew.
Benefit #13. You get our ultimate guarantee. If Marijuana Millionaire Portfolio does not help you grow your portfolio at least five-fold in your first year, let us know and we will give you a second year free.
This 50% Off invitation will be open for a limited period only.
So be sure to enroll below while this offer is still available!
Or call us toll free at 877-934-7778.
We’re open Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m EST