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  • BONUS Report #1: AI’s Energy Saviors
  • BONUS Report #2: Nvidia’s Silent Partner with 5.6 billion users
  • BONUS Report #3: 2 Under-the-Radar Companies Powering the AI Data Center Explosion
  • BONUS Report #4:The U.S. Government’s Favorite AI Stock
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The rapid growth of AI data centers is creating a massive energy crisis.

Big Tech is investing billions into the solution …

But these new energy sources won’t be ready for years.

Instead, two companies have stepped into the breach.

And their impressive technology could be the only way to help solve this problem right now.

These two companies are critical to AI’s future …

Which makes them amongst the greatest investment opportunities of this decade.

At Disruptors & Dominators, we want you to get in before breakthroughs like these hit the market …

So, you can take advantage of the opportunity.

That’s why, for the moment, we’re offering a generous discount on a one-year subscription.

55% OFF the regular retail price for 12 months of Disruptors & Dominators.

This is the best price we’ve ever offered for these resources. And it may not last long.

If you’d like to claim your discount and your bonus AI stock reports, please review the information below and fill out our simple order form to sign up.

Here’s everything you’ll receive:

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55% OFF One Full Year of Michael Robinson’s Disruptors & Dominators

On the first Friday of every month, you’ll get a new issue of Disruptors & Dominators with a brand-new recommendation from Silicon Valley legend Michael Robinson. We’ll show you the best stock market investments that combine the stability of safe, long-term sustainable growth with the opportunity for faster, often explosive growth.



AI’s Energy Saviors

America is running out of power. And it’s all thanks to AI. Big Tech is scrambling, scouring the world and investing billions in energy solutions. But most won’t be available in mass amounts for years. Two companies have stepped up and are vital to solving this impending crisis right now. These could be the two most important AI stocks in the world.



Nvidia’s Silent Partner with 5.6 Billion Users

This company’s tech is used by more than 70% of the world’s population. That’s more than 5.6 billion people. Yet many investors have never heard of it. Their partnership with Nvidia to supercharge these new AI data centers should change that.



2 Under-the-Radar Companies Powering the AI Data Center Explosion

We’ve identified two companies worth watching thanks to their integral role in this coming wave of AI data centers, with nearly 3,000 more expected by 2030. They’ve positioned themselves as essential to the massive data center build-out, meaning they could also be in the forefront of explosive AI growth in 2025 and beyond.



The U.S. Government’s Favorite AI Stock

Cybercrime is projected to cost the world $9.5 trillion this year. With federal agencies reportedly losing billions each year, the U.S. Government is not immune to these attacks. That’s why we’ve identified a company that leverages AI to detect more than a million cyberattacks daily. They are essentially protecting the western world from cybercrime.



One year of premium access to our 53,000 Weiss Ratings

Over the past two decades, investors could have more than tripled their money on 1,339 tech stock trades. This ratings system has provided an average gain of 285% during this period, and that includes the losers. It’s the only completely unbiased independent ratings system.

53,000 Weiss Ratings


24-7 Flash Alerts

Any time there are critical time-sensitive opportunities, massive swings in the market or any news on our recommendations, we’ll get that information to you as soon as possible. We won’t leave you hanging with just one issue a month. We’ll keep you in the loop on all the market news.



The User’s Guide to Disruptors & Dominators

As the name implies, Disruptors & Dominators strives to show you both sides of the great technological innovations we see in the world today. Now, our Director of Tech Investing Strategies, Michael Robinson, takes you behind the curtain to show you the tools and strategies he’s utilized to provide subscribers with numerous double and triple-digit winners over the years.

Weiss Ratings Daily


Weiss Ratings Daily E-Letter

Another way to stay up to date on the latest from all our analysts at Weiss Ratings is through our 6-times-a-week e-letter. We’ll cover all the day’s headlines from an alternative investing perspective. We’re not just going to regurgitate the same stuff you see on CNN. We give you our twist. Oftentimes, it will be the exact opposite of what the talking heads say.

Weiss Ratings Daily


Confidential, Online Briefings

Every once in a while, a story will be too big for just an email or a monthly issue. Instead, we’ll get on video and explain all the details, and even answer your questions, right there. (Please remember, we are legally forbidden from giving individual investment advice.)

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Michael Robinson

Please take the next year to try out Disruptors & Dominators and see if it’s right for you. If you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply call our customer service team and we’ll give you a full refund.

Michael Robinson
Editor, Disruptors & Dominators

Michael Robinson


Disruptors & Dominators

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